46 Year Old
From Battle Creek, MI·
Joined on March 7, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 9th
I'm 5' 7", have dark brown hair, green eyes, a slender figure which gets nice and golden in the summer! I LOVE bein' in the trees, tryin' to learn guitar, a huge D&D player, video gamer, and tryin' to look on the up side.. however hard that may be!
46 Year Old
From Battle Creek, MI·
Joined on March 7, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 9th
The great outdoors! I miss the mountains. Spend all the time I can in the trees! LOVE fishin'. Learnin' guitar.. and my video games and chiller flicks. Don't mind a good drink now 'n' then either!
BLUEGRASS!!!!!!!!!!! That's the top taste. Otherwise, it's country. I'm an old hillbilly. Don't mind the older, classic rock now and a gain. SOME R&B is ok, but I'm not into the newer stuff.. NOT a heavy metal fan!
Video Games
D&D games all the way! Adventure, roll playing.. I have a couple fishing and racing games, but not many.. Got one now where I gotta live the life of a farmer. VERY not bad!! Harvest Moon. It's a Wonderful Life. Check it out!