34 Year Old
From Cartersville, GA·
Invited by: 717130·
Joined on March 5, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 30th
1 person has a crush on me!
34 Year Old
From Cartersville, GA·
Invited by: 717130·
Joined on March 5, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 30th
1 person has a crush on me!
Ello! Bitches I am 18 fuckin years of age I am legal mother fuckers! I am Taken by an amazing guy! JEREMY BELL IS MY LIFE I am singer and songwriter! Wretched Rape Dolls Thats the Name is of my band! Fuck off if you hate! www.myspace.com/devonkitty91 I am a slutty bitch Gotta problem deal I am a juggalette's sister and aunt! so you don't wanna fuvk with this bitch! haha wanna know me more than message my ass! I have 2 besties the world could ever ask for! ;]] Cammy and Kimmy! they are my life! My past present and future i'd be dead without them two I ¢¾ you guys!
I ¢¾ the Marines The Few the Proud the MARINES!!! SEMPER FI!!!
34 Year Old
From Cartersville, GA·
Invited by: 717130·
Joined on March 5, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 30th
1 person has a crush on me!
Jeremy [[my boyfriend and future husband ~3-22-10~]] He has saved me from myself so many times and when he asked me to marry him i couldnt help but say yes! He means everything to me
Kimmy [[myy GiirLfRiiEnD]] This girl is my EVERYTHING other than Jeremy. She has always been there for me and always will be I ¢¾ this girl! Kimmy and Aqua BFFE ;]]
Cammy this boy is my best friend forever I want him to ALWAYS be in my life. I am completely open with this boy! He is my everything and more