Joined on March 5, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on May 26th
·1 referrals joined!
First and foremost, I am not here looking for any relations beyond friendship. For the first time I have found a guy that I am totally committed to, and happily so. That said, I love meeting new people, having fun and intelligent conversations [cause those some times differ ].
About me:
I'm a Texas Girl and proud of it. I don't ride a horse to work, though I have and do ride horses [great exercise for certain anatomy ]. I don't wear cowboy boots all the time, though I have owned a couple of well worn pairs. I don't wear a cowboy hat all the time, though I do look damn good in one.
I was brought up on real Texas farm [ask me how my birth was paid for, funny story], born of country gents, not rednecks. I love the out doors, love hard work as long as it’s outside where I can feel the sun on my back.
Though I grew up in-land, I moved to the coast for college and haven't left since, I love it! If I can't hear the sound of the waves on the beach when I walk out my door, I am sad. Despite the fact that I work inland, I still work in the Marine industry, and I will endure the 1-1.5 hr drive if it means I can live on the beach for the rest of my life.
I love traveling. I have been to Germany [Munich, Berlin and Seifhennersdorf], and Japan [Misawa, Aomori and Tokyo {only in passing}] and Prague [loved it!!]. I have plans to go to Ireland as well as Italy and Greece and my list keeps going.
I love to read, I refuse to stop learning, I garden when I can, and I really do try to be productive...but that has varying results .
That said, drop a line, I'm here to enjoy my time as well as good company and good drink .
Joined on March 5, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on May 26th
·1 referrals joined!
Thanks for the 5.I gave you a 10 cuz I'm nice like that.You're new so I'll give you some words of advice.The numbers 1 thru 9 don't exist on fubar.rate everyone a 10 and you should have an enjoyable time here.Have a great day!
WELL HELLO!As A Loyal Member Of 'FUBAR', I Welcome You To The Best Online Pub On The 'Net'.From Your Friendly Neighborhood,LadyByrd02 Swing by *If you like* read profile page and enjoy yourself. NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!! AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!!