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32 Year Old · Female · From Nashville, TN · Joined on February 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 7th · I have a crush on someone and 9 different people have a crush on me!
32 Year Old · Female · From Nashville, TN · Joined on February 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 7th · I have a crush on someone and 9 different people have a crush on me!

As you have stumbled upon my page, may I welcome you to my world, im pretty kick ass when you get to know me.

Things I like the most-choccie milk videogames twilight pink bling shopping lavender vanilla scent cheese sticks the ocean dreaming horror zombies taking pictures lipgloss movies music

My name is kristie,
Nicknames: kritty, christina, Lilmama, I did mention lil shit right .. that seems to be a fave Smile2.gif
I live in a gas ass place called nashville,tn
Sorry guys, hehe I am taken again. He snatched me right up..Smile2.gif He is simply amazing
I am a big gangsta girl.. loves horror.. loves videogaming.. rare mix isn't it?
I am a huge dreamer. I love to just lay out and read, listen to music and just dream the day away.
I find comfort in "him", my family and friends, videogaming. I am one that needs alot of comfort in her life.
I truly love my friends, you all mean so much to me! No one is perfect and I never try to pretend to be perfect or something that I am not. I am a very honest and open person
I am sweet,funny, nice as all hell, and a talker. I am proud of it too. Life is too boring if you just sit around and just try to enjoy life and smile as much as you can
I am the girl that wears her heart on her sleeve, who cares for others before herself, who most often gets stepped on cause she is "too nice" at times, I am not one that wants to intentionally hurt anyone. I treat others as I want to be treated.

I am the girl that laughs over the dorkiest things. Who tries to brighten someone else's day any way she can and who only wishes to be loved and adored.
I enjoy playing with my homies and whooping their butts on videogames.I know they wouldn't have it any other way. Love you guys Smile2.gif
Believe it or not I am a very shy person. If alot of you met me in person yea... total "ugh ugh ugh.."blush" that be me. haha
I have natural wavy hair. I pretty much love myself.. I know love is such a strong word.. but I do. Thats why I love being on here so much. Only confidance can go so far on a site like this but its nice to get some of the compliments I do.. it helps and that's what matters. thanks everyone......

32 Year Old · Female · From Nashville, TN · Joined on February 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 7th · I have a crush on someone and 9 different people have a crush on me!


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