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54 Year Old · Male · From Redondo Beach, CA · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 18th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Male · From Redondo Beach, CA · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 18th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Poet, amateur photographer, linguist, novice cigar box guitar builder, teacher, soldier, cook, world traveler - these are just a few of the hats I've worn (or still wear in a few cases). I am a professional interpreter by training, literary critic by education, and construction work pays the bills. Nothing in life is guaranteed - work hard, play hard, and live so you have no regrets.

54 Year Old · Male · From Redondo Beach, CA · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 18th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I mentioned some of my interests above - photography, reading, writing, cooking, gardening, building stuff, music, movies. Love sports but have had to hang up the cleats because of a back injury and bad knees - I follow soccer, ice hockey, and American football. I've been a world traveler since I was 17 - and cannot imagine any other way to spend my life. Actually, if you count a fishing trip to Canada during childhood, I've been an international traveler since age 7. Woohoo! Most recently, my travels took me to the Land of the Morning Calm - South Korea - where I taught kindergarten for the better part of a year, a great experience that ended too soon (literally, since the school I taught at went out of business and left me an illegal alien). I've been back in the US for over a year now and I think I'm ready to go back to teaching. Sometimes, your brain just needs a break. Well, brain, break time's over... time to get back in the classroom and away from construction sites...
Music...my tastes are eclectic. I like many different genres - rock, country, punk, jazz, ska, reggae, rockabilly, psychobilly, classic rock, grunge, funk, psychadelic rock, surf, blues, Americana... I like anything with good guitar work. As a writer, I also appreciate good lyrics.
I like all kinds of movies - action, sci-fi, comedy, thrillers, horror. Not a big fan of drama because there's just too much of that in reality. I love martial arts films and classic Russian comedies. There are also directors whose work I really enjoy - M. Night Shyamalan, Wes Anderson, the Coens, the Scotts, Scorsese, Spielberg, Hitchcock, Welles, Capra... too many to mention.
I don't idolize anybody. There are numerous artists whom I admire and whose work has influenced me, but I cannot honestly say that I idolize anybody. Maybe when I was 5 - I idolized Batman, the Fonz, and the Six Million Dollar Man. I admire anyone from whom I can learn something new.
Video Games
I stick with RPGs, fighting games, and sports sims mainly. Favorites are Morrowind, Oblivion, Knights of the Old Republic: Sith Lords, Jade Empire, Mass Effect. I also like Neverwinter Nights. Bioshock, Fable, and Assassin's Creed are also up there on my list. I just don't have the free time (or funds) to play the latest and greatest - so I stick with older games that I can pick up cheap. Nothing wrong with stretching the ol' entertainment dollar...

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