49 Year Old
From Kenosha, WI·
Joined on February 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 8th
I have a crush on someone!
Shucks, I dunno what ta' really say about myself 'cept that I'm a goofy-ass bastard most 'o the time. I'll be t'rowin out more pics as the time dribbles by. Right now, I'm on this here sling-shot gettin' spat out into this crazy messed up world which is beautiful and yet insane. I love it all. Til then.... Mahalo .W. P.S. Got lotsa photos of my goofy-ass 5yr. old boy 'o mine too. Soooo Sweet of a guy and yet soooooo reckless, kinda like me. Like fatha like son I guess. Much love to ya' lil' man Sam.... Cheers mates
P.P.S. Ohh ya, the reason why I don't not have much guy friends on here is because I'm not into them in that, ahh ya, that kinda way('cept maybe Dave Navarro from Jane's Add.). 'Bout 60-70% of my friends that I really know and vise-versa are all females. Say what you will butt I like hangin' wit females betta. I kinda think they are superior to us men in many ways. I'm not here to hook up wit females either. I kinda think that the thing called love should be done when the time is right or somethin' to that nature. Enough with the seriousness, on with the show as some say!
49 Year Old
From Kenosha, WI·
Joined on February 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 8th
I have a crush on someone!
My son, most of all, and music of any kind, Skateboardin', Surfin', Skimboardin, heck anything fast and reckless. Few people truly live. One life ta' live. Go nutz, Dig it....
All those playlist tunes o' mine pretty much describe in a round-a-bout way of who I am. Spin the wax or chuck it, flip it, smack it, do whatever ya' gotta do....
Latest Status
Will What's on your mind?My apologies for not bein' on here for quite a few years now. Gotta play ketchup n' hook some ppl up with some drinks n' likes n' all that good stuff
Thanks for the request and the Love! Hope you have a great Day!Badass Profile!!!Please be reminded that I delete people once a month from my friends... as a friend I count on the fact that you are being one... rating my pics when i upload them, leaving me comments, buying me drinks, and just helping out or saying hi once in awhile... I'm not here to be an object on your page so you can have all the hotties as your top friends... I'm here to meet people and get to know them... so please check me out read about me, get to know me! I always will return the love! Love in God, C51 Art GirlPlease Check out my lounge if you get the chance! You wanted to be my friend... well friends hang out together you got a lounge you hang in send me a link I'll Join, Just remember to subscribe to mine to!