hmm my interests tattoos are one the the biggest. i love gettin tatted and doin tats. learnin how to do it all! the way i see it is if it can be done i can do it from rebuildin and motor ta buildin a house there aint much i cant do and the only reason i can do them is because i havent had the oppurtunity ta try it yet. other than that pretty much anything outside huntin, fishin, muddin, 4-wheelin, dirt bikes, hikin, campin, boatin, swimmin, jet ski'n, ridin bikes, skate boardin, roller bladin, snowbaordin, need i go on i just pretty much do it all! and you can forget the inevitable partyin, drinkin, and just meetin new ppl and havin fun!
i listen to just about everythimg from ol and new rock of all forms, ol and new country and the same with rap.
Video Games
lets see i play racin games, war games, killin games, and fightin games