37 Year Old
Joined on May 6, 2006
Born on January 20th
·3 referrals joined!
Brytney Riley and i'm 18. resident of DE. University of Maryland next fall- i'm taking a year off to help out at my church and at my mother's day care. i'm a baptist and my grandfather is the preacher of our church. an overachiever and way too busy doing so. therefore i'm single. i'm not anything really special, i just like to have fun. don't ask for things you wouldn't want your sister, daughter, or girlfriend seeing/showing/doing/ect.
37 Year Old
Joined on May 6, 2006
Born on January 20th
·3 referrals joined!
anything to keep me active. i do kick boxing and yoga a few times a week.music and movies are a pretty big interest. i also like to shop competitively, with girls it's a sport okay? :)
Obviously im not gunna list everything I listen to because it would be way to long- cliche I know. some of my favorites are collective soul, michael jackson, shine down, staind, stevie wonder, liz phair, mercy me, incubus, and plain white t's. hows that for a mix?
i was going to the list of contributors and saw your pict it totally stood out .. and i checked out some of your picts .... you are an amazing beauty just wanted to come by and add ya to keep in touch with ya :)) Beneath the Beat: Electronica