53 Year Old
Invited by: N power Fan me·
Joined on January 31, 2009
Born on April 1st
Hiya peeps, I am very frendly & I wanna move from here as soon as I get the inheritence money from the sale of my dead GRANS House. SO scribble me a message if you wish cos I dont mind. Btw dus anyone fancy playing a game of pool for sum dares mmm, but if I win then I get to do wotever I liek with you & there wud be nuffin that you cud do abowt it , but plese dont play me wen I am drunk cos i am not a very good shot & I tend to miss a lot
53 Year Old
Invited by: N power Fan me·
Joined on January 31, 2009
Born on April 1st
I loves seein guys in their underwear mmm especially white ones
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