There is only thing that matters most. And that is that you are Loved and you also share your Love with others to make the world a better place for yourself and all you come into contact with. Once this state of heart, mind and soul is attained you are on your way to a truly supernatural life where fantastic, wonderful things happen with increasing frequency.
On the night of November 11/12, 2008 between 1am and 3am, I was taken to Heaven by an Angel of God and saw and heard things so fabulous that it has changed who I am inside and what I know I need to do in this life.
I wrote a poem about it and posted it on Poetry dot, you know. Entitled, "My Heavenly Dream, Parts I & II" it relates the experience but not everything that I saw and heard. That poem/song was preceded by the other poem you also see there, entitled "UNLOVED." That was written