35 Year Old
Invited by: proud mommy to ...·
Joined on January 25, 2009
Born on June 29th
i am a fun girl i broke my my knuckles on December 1st. i have 2 brothers Ron Jon and bobby and in a way Timmy and Chastity. i love my parents my mom is my best friend in the whole world and i love her. my dad is also my best friend he is the best guitar player i know and i love him just as much.i am glad i have them to because i don't know what i would do without them. ooh yea and i cant forget that i believe in god cause there has got to be someone up there watching after me cause i am still alive.THE BAND (WORDS CANT EXPLAINE) IS THE SHIT
35 Year Old
Invited by: proud mommy to ...·
Joined on January 25, 2009
Born on June 29th
life music and not being hurt
uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably one passion and my mom and words cant explaine
WeLCoMe 2 FuBaR!! iiF u LoVe MeTaL LiiKe ii Do...oR JuST WaNNa MeeT SoMe RaD PeoPLe....CLiiCK THiiS CoMMeNT...ii PRoMiiSe.. U WoN'T Be DiiSSaPoiNTeD....