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52 Year Old · Female · From Hubert, NC · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on September 7th

Here's the boring details: married to Your Puerto Rican Lover; 3 kids, ages 19 yrs old, 17 yrs old and 1 year old.

Myspace Military Graphics - More Military Images

I'm just here to meet new people. I am NOT here for any type of relationship, other than friends. Yes I have a cell phone and no you can't have my number so please don't ask.

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Zodiac Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Check me out, rate me, add me, fan me and I will try to return the favor. Please don't ask for nsfw pics those are reserved for my hubby.

If you find anything I post offensive simply don't look. I choose to exercise my freedom of speech on a regular basis. I thank all of those serving past, present and future for your service so that I may exercise that right. If you do see something you like feel free to comment I value your right to free speech.

Even tho you may see me online doesn't necessarily mean I'm in front of the computer. Even tho I am a stay at home mom I do watch a 7 month old and a 3 year old on occasion. Not to mention the fact of my 11 month old. they keep me pretty busy when they are all together. I will get back to you as soon as I can

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You might as well enjoy life while you can, cause no one gets out alive.

visited 20 states (40%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or jurisdische vertaling duits?

52 Year Old · Female · From Hubert, NC · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on September 7th

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  • Amy 14 weeks pregnant...girlfriend 6 weeks pregnant with twins...
    8 years ago · Comment

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