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75 Year Old · Male · From Buffalo, MO · Joined on January 18, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 22nd
75 Year Old · Male · From Buffalo, MO · Joined on January 18, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 22nd

I am just a reg man, which is not saying much. I am sorry but I know how we men think and act. Sometimes we can be so sweet but so devious too. We have alot of pratice, from grade school upm thru HS and beyond on how to lie to a woman or girl to get what we want. Now I am not saying we men R the only ones to stretch the truth a bit. Women ten to do the same. But I guess we men havent figured it out yet cause most of us still think a woman doesnt lie to men. and I dont know why men do and say the things we do cause by now anyway U should have heard most anything. I am very honest tho. I try to b anyway. Like I said why lie to U I know u can see rite thru it anyway. I like to flirt, both in real-life and on here. After all on here is almost like being in a fantasy world anyway. I am semi-retired from the OTR trucking industry, I drove OTR for almost 30yrs and loved it. Well it is a hard life but the money was good and my ex sure did like it. But I will say after my 2nd div I got coustody of my boys and I stayed close to home till I got them thru HS Then I went back out. I quit the road 2 yrs ago bc all of a sudden it was not fun anymore and I havent missed any of it except the money. I have 6 sons and NO girls, except 3 DnL's and one more next summer. My interest r, now they r bowling, golf, and sports on TV. I live in MO. but I am from Texas so my fav teams R from Texas so I can only see them on tv. When I was younger and had a family I loved to play games like monolpy and life and dominoes and cards. I also used to play alot of sports till my body and mind said it is a younger mans game. I dont drink or smoke and very rarelly cuss. I dont judge u if u do tho. But it would b nice if u dont.

75 Year Old · Male · From Buffalo, MO · Joined on January 18, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 22nd
Going to Branson Mo to see shows and SDC. I bowl, play around at GOLF and trying to find out who and why I hear that golf is a relaxing game.
I was raised on good old Rock N roll so I still like it. It brings back memories of where I was when I listened the first time. I got into country in the 70'2 when the rock music got so loud U couldnt understand the lyrics. I also like christian music and really love the christmas music.
I like westerns But u dont see them much anymore and the ones u do r remakes and dont seem to b as good as the origional. My fav movies R "Giant" with Rock Hudson and Liz Taylor and James Dean. I like Ten Commandements, Alamo, most all of John Wayne movies. I like a action movie and thrillers but Not fomd of Horrror shows. I have even been talked into watching love story and it is ok and better than expected
Idols, Well ELVIS was onetill after his death all the stories came out about his life and drugs but I liked alot of early groups and singers But it seema all were great in my mind and then there is a movie about them that shatters my thinking
Video Games
Dont play any video games anymore, too many coltrols to push and I get beat by my kids so now I just dont get embaressed by them if I dont play them. Plus I used to play them and got to where I played them too much so I just am afraid if I do play them I might like it

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