45 Year Old
Joined on January 17, 2009
Born on September 22nd
I like people that...Have new ideas that question what has been taught. See past what is just in front of them. Strive for their dreams no matter how foolish they may seem. That see the beauty in letting go. Are not afraid to be afraid. Stand up for their beliefs. Fight the System. Live outside of the box. Don't label themselves or others. Can laugh at their faults. Can spell correctly with out a spell cheker.. checher.. whatever. Realize that there is more out there then your job and car. Hate what has become of television. Vote. Don't piss on the toilet seats in bars. Use their talents. Question American History. Still watch cartoons. Eat Pho. Can speed read. Are double jointed. Are artists just because they can't stop creating. Ventriloquist as a career. Can lick their nose. Go for the underdog. Are still amazed at every sunset. That think for themselves.
45 Year Old
Joined on January 17, 2009
Born on September 22nd