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37 Year Old · Male · From Mountain Home, ID · Joined on January 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 13th
37 Year Old · Male · From Mountain Home, ID · Joined on January 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 13th

Every one knows a certain feeling inside them, it makes them feel almost as though they are more different than others, well once you discover what that is inside yourself you will be able to understand what you're here for, but if you just feel like a normal person with no significance then maybe...you are ordinary! Watch the night for certain individuals, namely Nosferatu, they seem cool in movies, but they are no more than human like leeches, at least I can eat cows or regular human food!!! What is this feeling I have deep down inside? So many things run through my mind and heart, but I feel as though there is a deeper purpose for me being here, maybe here in a short while I will discover what this feeling is and what my purpose is. Don't judge this what I speek, every human being here has the right to think and do what they so please! I wonder every day why I do the same thing over and over again, then I realize that I must do what I must until that time of which I am needed! Maybe I am here to be nothing more than a friend to everyone, but with this thought I wonder if I'm suppose to feel so lonely! I keep rambling on and I don't know why, probably so that others may know whats going on in my head! The thing I dream and have thoughts about are horrible, I don't know why I must see such things, what is wrong with me I wonder!! One day it will be clear to everyone and everything in this world! There are places that no one has ever been in nor has ever imagined, but then how do most of the story's get out? Of course there are things we've never seen, we live everyday the same as any other day, we don't try to see the other worlds within our own!! The day you decide to do so though, beware of the things you might see or find there! Some beautiful and other horrific, remember that we don't see this other world because of so many years of thinking there is only ours, but this is wrong, just try to see things differently, you may just see something beyond imagination! Warning don't stare to long in the mirror!!

37 Year Old · Male · From Mountain Home, ID · Joined on January 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 13th
Someone that can show me and my friends respect, someone willing to change with environment as well as people(not asking anyone to change who they are). Like me for who I am and what I represent, if you get to know me a little better you may know what I'm talking about! A woman that isn't going to try and run my life, but someone that is going to help me LIVE it! If that's to much to ask then oh well I will deal with what I have always dealt with before, emptiness. We are all people, living, breathing, feeling, loving, hating, people! We all have feelings that for some reason make us feel weak, but it just show's us that we really are human, well at least most of us.
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