37 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on January 14, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 17th
I make mistakes, thats what I do. I say things before I think about them. I do things without knowing. I’m clumsy, but I can always walk a straight line. Curbs mess me up though. I have a really bad mouth. Except around adults. Former Catholic school girl. 6 long years of my life in uniform--Plaid skirt & all. I'm always on my phone, txting, talking, playing Wow. That's the best way to reach me. ...except when I'm sleeping. I’m not the best at anything, and I don’t strive to be. I play with my hair when I'm uncomfortable. I play with other people's hair when I'm bored. I have the absolute worst sense of direction. Getting lost isn't uncommon for me. I love to go out to eat. Italian is my fav, but I'm always down for Mexican and Chinese. I love the smell of clean laundrey, cakes in the oven, and a certain guy. I get startled very easily. My favorite flowers are tulips, daisies, and lillies. So pretty. I like to bake. When birthdays roll around, I'm all over that shit. I love the rain. Thunder and lightning--not so much. I hate being yelled at. I don’t care who you are, don’t raise your voice to me. I dance in my chair when I'm eating something good. It's retarded but I can't help it. My religion? I don't know. Catholic values, but I don't agree with a lot of what I was taught. Raspberry Pop-Tarts. Nuff said. You may have to explain things to me, more than once. Don’t get frustrated. Or do, I don’t care. I’m a pushover, I forgive everybody regardless. I'll keep my guard up though. I’m book smart, but I’m a little ditzy I guess. I'm the kind of girl you can hear from miles away. I like math, science, and english. I hate history. I hate talking about politics & religion. It makes me nervous. It's not hard to make me laugh, you’ll think you’re funny as shit when I’m around. I'll always feel like it's my job to cheer you up if you're sad. I try to see the best in people, but it's tough sometimes. I hate the smell of fish. I love taking pictures with friends. They always bring back a lot of memories, good and bad. I have really bad short-term memory. Like, REALLY bad. I hold a lot of things back, if you ask me what's wrong I'll usually say "nothing". I’m the “she” from “that’s what she said.” If I’m upset about anything, just give me a few minutes and some space. I’ll let it go. I get excited about everything. When my friends are upset, I am too. I love little surprises. Big ones embarass me. My hair isn’t always perfect, my clothes don’t always fit just right, and I don’t always have a smile plastered on my face. I’m a good girl though, and I’ll give you everything I’ve got. I have a big heart with room for many.
37 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on January 14, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 17th