49 Year Old
Joined on January 12, 2009
Born on January 24th
I'm almost 33rd years old.I will be on the 24th of January.I have 13 years old son.He is my world and more.I liked my pugs too.My favorite colors are white and blue. I liked all of kinds of foods usually.I don't liked it when people make fun of other people at all.It makes me get mad.Don't mess with my family either,but that is without saiding.Any thing else you would liked to know about me just ask me ok!
49 Year Old
Joined on January 12, 2009
Born on January 24th
I liked to ride 4-wheelers in the mud with my 13 years old son.Get dirty in the part that is fun.I liked to take walks,when I'm able too.I liked to fix hair about all different kind of ways.I liked to cook.Might sounds crooky but I liked to clean too.
I liked to heard any type of music,but I liked to play my own as well.
Video Games
I don't liked viedo very well.I would reather play one on one with someone.