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56 Year Old · Male · From Salem, OR · Joined on January 11, 2009 · Born on September 5th
56 Year Old · Male · From Salem, OR · Joined on January 11, 2009 · Born on September 5th

I am a great many things. I am not an everybody person. People either like me alot or don't like me at all...
I am a real world Vampire. Not a poser like some of those simpering idiots you see who just pretend. I like to experience all that life has to offer and live passionately and fully. I live by my rules and have opinions on everything. I have a life like many people dream of having, a sense of freedom to be who I want to be and not what others want me to be. I'm intelligent and self made. I am very complex and you really would need to talk to me to see it all... No bragging and no false modesty. Take care and enjoy..

56 Year Old · Male · From Salem, OR · Joined on January 11, 2009 · Born on September 5th
Let's see... What interests me... Meeting new people of course. Reading and watching Fantasy/sci-fi/horror. Writing hardcore fiction (Sci-fi/horror). Any music that I can feel in my bones that moves me more than just listening to white noise. It's got to say something to me. I like adventure, and that can take on many things by mood and mood alone.I enjoy my cigars and my Johnny Walker on occasion... But my number one extreme art/entertainment/sport is SEX!! :) How's that for an open?

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