I have many inspirations and interests in my life: great thinkers and writers in the western intellectual tradition, a tradition that goes back to two roots--one Greek and one Hebrew. Within this tradition, secular and sacred, the inspirations and interests are many fold.I also have many interests outside thesetraditions.
You younger members at this site might like to try this exercise, say, in another 40 years, if you survive the perils of:

your sporting interests,

your love life, (c) your job life,

your other leisure pursuits,

your desires, passions, wants and wishes and

many other slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. In my lifetime there has come to be a world of sound in which one can drown, happily or not-so-happily as the case may be. The lists below contain some of the happier sources, pieces, items, songs, inter alia that give me pleasure now and/or in my 65 years of life, 1943-2008.
In the three year period June 2002 to May 2005, I compiled periodically a list of my favourite music. It was an attempt to define, to give expression to, to list what has become for me a vast sea of pleasurable sounds produced in a number of genres of music. My first memories of listening to music were in about 1948, although I was exposed to music right from the word go in 1944 by two parents who played the piano. I would post the full list here, but it is too long. I would post here "a short list" of over 60 years of musical experience, musical pieces I have enjoyed from a longer list of music that gave me pleasure, but it is, as I say, obviously too long to include here.
It is just a start to making a comprehensive list, a brief survey, a dip in the sea, so to speak. There are now over 1000 items in this full and comprehensive list that I put together in the years after 2005. I added to that initial list from time to time in the next three years and it came to well over 1000 items. If I continue to add to this list systematically and regularly the list would become completely unmanageable and necessitate far to much of a focus on music in my otherwise highly interdisciplinary life. But the names of many of my favourites are here for my interest and occasionally to post at a website when others ask about my musical tastes. Since it seems impossible for me to remember the names of many of the pieces, this list helps assist me in bringing to memory these names when and if required. The exercise is interesting to me in its own right without any particular practical value.
Most of the items listed here are in my personal music collection(LPs, 45s, CDs and cassettes) or they are items that I have had access to temporarily on the radio, internet or as part of the collection of the local spiritual assembly of the Baha’is of Launceston. As I began adding every item to this list from what I heard on ABC FM Radio in and after 2002, it is obvious that, in the end, the list would become too long if I took the exercise seriously with any sense of making a comprehensive collection. What is found here serves as:

a list of musical pieces I own/have access to in my collection and

a list of additional material I would like to have access to in my study, but do not. As I say, this is a list of musical favourites that I will never bring to an end. The sea is just too full. -Ron Price, Pioneering Over Four Epochs, May 8th 2005(22 September 2002).