da name is tessa okay dats it im gettin tired of poeple sendin me message askin wat my name is look at da pro nigga... im white and mexican okay... im 17 frm pasenda but live up in hitchcock okay basic stuff... i hate gettin all dese messages saying do u have a man or a b/f if u look at my pro u would kno.. im single but my heart is taken... im sorry its jus da way it is... i dont wanna get no message frm u niggas out there sayin can u send me a naked pic of u cuz u aint gettin it iight... theres otha hoes out there go talk to dem if dats wat u want... well yeah if u a hata just hit da [X] button at da top of da page and bounce..
YES I d0....ThREATEN MY C0MPUtER...TELL MY TV WhAt t0 d0....YELL At MY hAiRBRUSh...ANd tALk t0 ThiNGS dAt CANt tALk bACC....ANd U StiLL L0VE ME
Her eyes are swollen. Her cheeks are red. Tears pouring out of the lonely girl. Love was all she asked for. She got walked all over. It seemed that no one cared for what she believed in. As she lays in her bed, saying a prayer to make the pain go away. She can't sleep, so she steers at his picture. Trying to put the memories in her past. She's waits to see, how she's going to make it. As she struggles to get out of bed, thinking of what went wrong. She has lost all the faith and all the happiness. She is lost in the waking of her day. As she has no one to talk to. She's done everything to try to make it. As one night she made her choice, She can't live without him. She swore that she couldn't make it without him. As days go by, she doesn't want to come out. She wrote him a note, saying that she will always love him. One night she lost it. Her mom came to get her because he came to see her. She can't get her to answer her or the door. As they break in her room, they have found out they lost her. She lays with the note and his picture on her chest. He was too late, she was gone and all he does is scream. She had finally ended her pain