37 Year Old
From Indianapolis, IN·
Invited by: marketman·
Joined on May 1, 2006
Born on February 7th
HeY i'M AsHlEe FrOm InDIaNa....Im A sEnIoR In HiGh ScHoOl aS oF rIgHt NoW, But iN aBoUt 10 DaYs iMa bE A fReShMaN iN cOlLeGe!!!I am currently in track season right now....holdin it down and doin wat I do. I also play basketball which is a passion of mine but track right now is wats important.I plan to attend Central Sate University in Ohio, but im really not sure because Im lookin at Illinois State too for track and field...Either way im going off to college and cant wait to get the hell out of Nap.Im a very outgoing but shy person. I love to have fun and make people laugh...I can be a huge bitch sometime but that doesnt mean im not the sweetest person you'll eva meet eitha. Im into wats eva hott!!! I speak my mind ALWAYS and i love to hold long conversations about stuff....no matter what the topic may be....so if you wanna get to know me betta or just wanna say whats up....hit me up and we'll see!!! HOW BOUT IT!!! lol
37 Year Old
From Indianapolis, IN·
Invited by: marketman·
Joined on May 1, 2006
Born on February 7th
BaSkEtBaLl, TrAcK, pArTyInG, rEaDiNg, SiNgInG, gOiNg 2 ChUrCh, AcTiN a FoO, cLoWnIn pEoPlE, dOiNg MaTh hOmeWoRk, SpEnDiNg TiMe WiTh My GiRl & fAmIlY, AnD JuSt DoIn Me.
i love all and any kinds of music except for hard rock and metal.
my favorites include gospel, r&b, raggae, country, and some kinds of rap.
i mostly listen to watevers hott and old school jams that i will always love!!!
AnYtHiNg WiT mIkE ePpS, aLl HaRrY pOTteR MovIeS, AnY & aLl mAdEa pLaYs & MoViEs, PaReNt TrAp, LiOn KiNg, MuLaN, fIdAy AfTeR nExT, sOuL pLaNe, LaSt HoLiDaY, sTicK It, SaVe tHe lAsT dAnCe + mAnY mAnY mOrE!!!
QuEeN lAtIfA, TaMiKa CaTcHiNgS, My BrOtHeR, & mArIoN jOnes!!!