Thank you for accepting my invitation BFREAKY.COMYou will love this site, it has many neat featuresUnlike other websites ,you earn points and fubucksWhen voting on things here like profiles,photos,MummsThe task bar above ,contains short cuts to site features Including the chat box called"shout box" to talk with usersThe Mumms, a question and answer forum ( Can be funny )Click on a mumm vote on it and provide an answer ( refresh browser often to view answers to mumm)You should set your profile as “POWER USER” under settingsThis will show other features in that mod Unload a photo or a few .make a salute photo with you User ID ,you face and web address of www.fubar.comHope you enjoy FUBAR, I have since 2006 However, this place is very addictive !!!!!!!!!Once again , Thank you for accepting my invitation