• Hiking, Anything Outdoors, Physical Activity / Labor
• Drinking with the Crew!
• Avoiding getting in trouble!
• Same as activities. Anything having to do with the outdoors. Primarily: fishing, canoeing, hiking, random drives all over the tri-state area, working on my plethora of plants and many, many more!
• Bonnie and Clyde - My Ball Pythons
• Sushi
• Strange foods
• Lifting
• Cooking
• Target Practice
• Sidekick LX - Can't live without it
• Spending money frivolously - bigger the better
....tons more!!
Just Ask~!
Favorite Music:
• Everything and everything~
Favorite TV Shows:
•Anything with blood and guts and twisted plots!
•Hooray for FIOS!
Favorite Quotations:
"A new day will dawn for those who stand long..."
"May you always do for others, and let others do for you."
"The only thing I know, is that I don't know"
About Me:
• Wake up in the morning and let life lead me where she wants to.... our days our marked and life is to short to worry, hate and be sad....
• Live everyday like it will be your last.
• Love everyone you meet. You never know when you may need them, or they you.
• Happiness isn't found in money or fancy and expensive things, but in the simple pleasures like a leaf falling from a tree and slowly dancing in the air as it falls to the ground, where its life (or as some may see it, death) has only begun.