Joined on September 12, 2008
Born on January 1st
Hi everyone! I just joined up here trying to meet some people and make some friends! I am a really sweet, down to earth, kind, and compassionate person who always has a smile on her face! Want to know more? Checkout my dating profile!
Joined on September 12, 2008
Born on January 1st
Welcome to Fubar! Just stopped by to say"Hi" and rated your profile a 10.When you get chance, stop by and say"Hi" and add me as a friend if you want to. Don't foget to add my hot friends below too! We all have amazing pics! Remember, you have to be our friend to see our pics!*~La*La~* Hard2Handle & BnwB's FuWife @ fubar
@ fubar
Hard 2 Handle ~ La*La's FuWife~ ** Can't Be Owned**
@ fubar
☆Wonder_Woman™☆is bond to do T's bidding till she Oracles
@ fubarHave a great day!La*La, Wonder Woman & Hard2Handle