MySN: Xanderharris86 and yes, it's on here for you to IM me!. You scored as Artistic. Congratulations, you scored Artistic. You're looking for the unique movie in the bunch. You've probably watched a lot of movies that nobody has ever heard of, and good for you. You also know good filmmaking when you see it. You just get it, no questions asked. Check out: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Amelie, Garden State, Lost in Translation.Artistic90%Mindfuck80%Drama/Suspense70%Sci-Fi/Fantasy65%Sadistic Humour55%Romantic Comedy45%Mindless Action Flick40%Movie Recommendation.created with - My name is Matt. - I'm 19. (unfortunately) - I get weak for girls who wear eye make-up. - I'm not much more than a pretty face. - I'm a librarian! - I am like SO TOTALLY COOL. - I live in an on campus apartment - I am a Comfortador! (Thank you Xander) - Chicks are for fags! - One of my biggest annoyances is when people say nevermind, or "nvm" - I'm a big fan of Spider-Man. - If I had my way, I would be him (and in a few years, I just might be). - I'm going to be a Plastic Surgeon. - I don't look good in a bikini. - I'm a sophomore at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT, or RIoT for the cool kids) - I'm majoring in Biotechnology. - I don't know what the fuck I'm doing majoring in Biotechnology. - I love movies! - If I had my way, I'd switch to a film major, although I don't think it would be smart. - I enjoy randomness. - I'm overweight. - I think I subconsciously follow Groucho Marx's belief that "I just don't want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member." - I don't wear shorts. - I haven't since I was in 6th grade. - I lived in Arizona from the ages of 6-15. - I hated it, but now I miss everyone I knew. - I have only kept in touch with a select few people. - Some of the people that I even keep in touch with weren't 'great' friends while I was there. - I miss being in highschool. - I tell people I'm old, yet I'm 19, and everyone says I'm an idiot. - I wish I was 14 again, just not as fat as I was. - I feel like I wasted my years. - The youth is most certainly wasted on the young. - I don't trust anyone. - I have some great friends. - I want to marry a girl like Charlotte York from Sex and the City. - I don't understand myself most of the time. - I'm different. - I'm the coolest person you will ever talk to. - I think in poetry and abstract thoughts. - Movies should be watched all the way through the credits. - I like assertive girls. :-) - I'm a masochist. - I enjoy a good orange soda. - I have a gap between my front teeth. - I dye my hair more than I should. - I love my hair more than most things. - I'm often depressed. - I'm a paranoid pessimist with obsessive compulsive tendencies. - I'm known among my friends for my ability to keep a straight face no matter what I say. - I want to join a band, but I bring nothing to the table - I own a guitar, key word being own. - I want to start a Kiss cover band so I can wear spiffy make-up, though I know nothing about the band. - I want to have thousands of children so they can help me take over the world. a,, a:link, a:visited{font-family:comic sans ms, arial, times new roman;color:00ccff; 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