68 Year Old
Invited by: Yellow Rose·
Joined on September 5, 2008
Born on July 4th
I am a happily married female just looking for new friends around the world to talk with online. My husband works and our kids are all grown. I have a great family and love them very much! My husband and I travel with his job so we don't stay in one place very long. Please don't bring your problems or drama to my page! I'm easy going and some would say "a little on the wild side" at times. Once you get to know me you will be able to figure that out! If you want to know more please feel free to ask!
68 Year Old
Invited by: Yellow Rose·
Joined on September 5, 2008
Born on July 4th
A simple bitch will take youwhere you need to go.*A real bitch throws you her keysand says it needs gas in it!A simple bitch will tell you notto fight, it aint worth it.*A real bitch will say beather ass and look at the crowdand say"nobody better jump in".A simple bitch will let anotherbitch know she can back thefuck up orget knocked the fuck out.*A real bitch will just knock herthe fuck out!!!A simple bitch tells you, she'shad enough to drink.*A real bitch tells you we needanother shot, we bout toget fucked up!A simple bitch goes to the clubwith you and sits down.*A real bitch goes to the clubwith you and says lets showthese simple bitches how we do it.A simple bitch wonders whoyour new man is.*A real bitch knows that muthafucka's first name, last name,birthday,address, who he'srelated to, what kinda car hedrive's, where he works,howmany babies mama's he has,and how many bitches he istalking to right now!!!A simple bitch thinks the friendshipis over when you have an argument.*A real bitch lets you know thatwas fucked up, but I love ya."A simple bitch expects you toalways be there for them.*A real bitch knows you will alwaysbe there for them, they don'thave to expect shit.A simple bitch reads this e-mail,realizes that she is a simple bitchand then deletes it.*A real bitch passes this to her realbitches without thinking about it.Pass this to all your real bitches....if you don't get it back that'sbecause you sent it to aSimple Bitch!I love you!