my dear fubarians I wanted to let you all know that I am doing okay. my friend from england is still here and were having good times. I will be gone to texas on Friday October 24th, I am unsure when I will return somewhere in mid November or so. I will miss you when I am gone and I hope to see some love and attetion on my page when I return. I will be gone for my birthday october 30th and halloween my fav holiday :) but you will all be in my thoughts. take care Lula
My Dear Fubar Friends, I am sorry you have not heard from me lately. breifly, a lot of things have happened to me the last 3 weeks, between my personal life, my car, computer and very sady the loss of my 10 year old cat big mama. please know I have not forgoten you and how much your friend ship means to me. hopefully soon, I'll again pick up the pieces and bring myself around more again. with love always. Lula