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35 Year Old · Female · From Crestline, OH · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 4th
35 Year Old · Female · From Crestline, OH · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 4th

Hey my name is Lindsay and i have a horse named angel and she is the greatest horse in the world,and i got another horse named rosie.... and she is only 1 year old!! And my best friends that i've had for a long time are Casey and Coral, and my other friends are : Erica Thomas, Meghan Pry, Ashley Skully, Jessica Narcho.. And im in Pioneer/collision repair, this year i'll be a Senior!!! (1 MORE YEAR LEFT!!!) and i play video games , and all that stuff, and im gonna be 18 in October of 2008ALL_ABOUT_ME*BASICSNAME:: Lindsay AGE:: 17BIRTHDAY:: 10/04/90BIRTHPLACE:: ColumbusCURRENT LOCATION:: CrawfordHERITAGE:: ?EYE COLOR:: BlueHAIR COLOR:: Brunette (brown)HEIGHT:: 5'5"PIERCINGS:: somedayTATTOOS:: noneWHAT COLOGNE/PERFUME DO U WEAR:: Sweet Fantasy*FAVORITES*COLOR:: black/PinkMUSIC:: pop. rock, r&bSPORT:: Barrel RaceHOLIDAY:: ChristmasFOOD:: Pizza*THIS OR THAT*HUGS OR KISSES:: HugesPEPSI OR COKE:: PEPSIMCDONALDS OR BURGER KING:: McDonaldsCHOCOLATE OR VANILLA:: ChocolateLOVER OR FIGHTER:: BothFRIENDS OR FAMILY:: BothLOVE OR MONEY:: LoveLISTEN TO SOMEONE TALK OR TALKING:: Listen to someone talkPERSONALITY OR LOOKS:: both*IN A BOY/GIRL*EYE COLOR:: Blue/BrownHAIR COLOR:: dont matterSHORT OR LONG HAIR:: ShortHEIGHT:: Higher than meSTYLE:: "IN STYLE!!!" and a lil on the" bad side" attitude. :)PIERCINGS OR TATTOOS:: bothHOT OR CUTE:: both*FRIENDS*WHOS UR BEST FRIEND:: CaseyWHOS THE LOUDEST:: MeWHO HAVE U KNOWN LONGEST:: CaseyWHOS THE SHYEST:: BethCOOLEST FRIEND:: Casey, Erica,PRETTIEST FRIEND:: ileenWEIRDEST FRIEND:: some times they all are*LOVE*ARE U IN LOVE:: nope :(IF YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE NOW, HAVE U EVER BEEN:: yesDO U BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:: yesLONGEST RELATIONSHIP:: one yearWOULD U GO OUT WITH SOMEONE JUST FOR THEIR MONEY:: noDO U GO ON "PITY DATES":: noKISS ON THE FIRST DATE:: sureSEX ON THE FIRST DATE:: noEVER CHEATED ON A B/F OR G/F? BE HONEST:: no*WHOS THE LAST PERSON*KISSED:: zach dentonHUGGED:: my momTOLD U THEY LOVED U:: my dadTOLD THEM U LOVED THEM:: my momTALKED TO ON THE PHONE:: my momYELLED AT:: my dadBROKE UR HEART:: no one , i broke theresSAID THEY HATED U:: no oneU TOLD U HATED:: my mom while playin a game*RANDOM QUESTIONS*DO U DO DRUGS:: noDO U DRINK:: noDO U WANT TO GET MARRIED:: yes , on horsebackDO U WANT TO HAVE KIDS:: somedayDO U BELIEVE IN URSELF:: yesDO U THINK UR ATTRACTIVE:: yaaWHAT STAR/CELEBRITY DO MOST PEOPLE SAY U RESEMBLE:: angalena jolieWHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE U SAW IN THE THEATER? WAS IT GOOD:: cant rememberCAN U HANDLE THE TRUTH:: sometimesBIGGEST WEAKNESS:: the things i loveBIGGEST FEAR:: losing the things i loveMOST MISSED MEMORY:: my dog trigger♥♥ rip♥♥FIRST THOUGHT WAKING UP:: oh man, school!!IF U DONT RECOGNIE THE NUMBER ON UR CALLER ID, DO U ANSWER:: nopeHOW DO U WANT TO DIE:: wow, um ,while im happyDO U GET ALONG WITH UR PARENTS:: yaDO U SWEAR:: ya sometimesNUMBER OF PAST THINGS U REGRET:: bout 3-4HOW DO YOU WANT TO DIE:: wow, um ,while im happy ...again!WHAT TIME IS IT:: 10:47pmTake this survey | Find surveysPimp My Profile

35 Year Old · Female · From Crestline, OH · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 4th
I love to go hiking, riging bikes, riding horses, camping
Video Games
i like : Adventuriuos games and racing games

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