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41 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 4th
41 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 4th


hiI am a 25 year old mom¢¾, aunt¢¾, daughter¢¾, sister¢¾, and friend.¢¾but I've had a HARD life¢¾, spent a LOT of time hurtin myself and others¢¾, and since my son came into my life¢¾ i have laid to rest all my demons¢¾ and found a better way to live¢¾. I dont hold grudges¢¾ and am fast to forgive¢¾, which does NOT mean I'm a victim¢¾, just to concerned with enjoying life¢¾ and makin it the best i can for Derrick¢¾ I live in Tulsa Oklahoma¢¾ where I am attending part time collage now¢¾ at Tulsa Community Collage to further my edcation to become a Paralegal.¢¾ I have a wounderful 5 year old little boy that is my whole world,¢¾ my loving niece that I just love to peices.¢¾ I am a hard worker that loves to try everything at least once in my life.¢¾ Its better to live life to the fullest¢¾ because you never know what you will miss if you don't.¢¾ If you want to know more just ask.¢¾ I am fun,¢¾ loving,¢¾ and love to talk ask anyone they would tell ya...¢¾I've been threw hell & back¢¾ i spill shit,trip. & embarras myself.¢¾ i can't just flutter my eyes and get that boy¢¾ my life is messed up & I have been threw more shit then you have seen on T.V¢¾ nobody is perfect¢¾ ive been lied to, cheated on, & had my heart stolen.¢¾ ive fucked up, fucked people up, & been fucked up, & every hit was worth it because i lived and felt it.¢¾ i knew it was real.¢¾ life is real and i am liven it wroung each day¢¾ I have fucked up royally in my life at times.¢¾ but do i regret one thing?¢¾ NEVER¢¾ because at one point what i did¢¾ was what i wantted or the only thing i knew to do¢¾ my life is mine¢¾ and no stupid bitches or immature little boys can breake me down or ever I would love to see them try to breake me now

41 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 4th


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