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Female · From Bloomington, IN · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 1st
Female · From Bloomington, IN · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 1st

I woke up one day + discovered I wasn't 25 yrs. old anymore. now when did that happen?

oddly enough, it doesn't suck!!

I have 3 grown kids, my children are the most amazing people I know.

I have just bought my first home, a trailer, which I love and no one can sell out from under me, take from me or divorce me out of . it's mine!!

I work at Wal-mart, over nights and I love it. go figure.

I'm fun loving, I love to laugh. reasonably pretty, of slightly above average intelligence, a natural nurturer.

I am socially conscious (which means my soapbox is paid off).

I am spiritual and creative.

I am a happy Catholic (yes, they do exist)

I love PEOPLE! the arts, stage, books, all animals, politics. I'm a t.v addict, it's always on.

I'm a book-aholic. I read almost everything, except romance novels.

RODEO’S, CONCERTS!! be warned, I do dance on table tops and chairs.

I like movies and music, trivia games, ebay,

CLOTHES!! I have clothes for every mood I have. And I have a lot of different moods. shoes!!! hey, I"m female!! get over it.

I am a good cook, and a good eater.

I am as comfortable in dress's as I am in jeans. I own both pearls and work gloves!!

I am caring and demonstrative, outgoing in public. I have been accused of never meeting a stranger, but I am slow to let anyone into my inner circle, and I'm very independent.

I'm Irish/Indian,almost 5", 115 pds., waist length hair. I'm a permanently un-natural redhead, which suits me better than mousey brown.

I have a temper, which is mostly sent over the top by lies, or injustice or at work by lazy ass people but I also know how to say I'm sorry when I'm wrong, or just sorry.

I do not say things in anger that I will regret later.

I am the domesticated breed of wildcat, if you don‘t understand that sentence, you would never understand me.

I am MOM to my kids and all their friends, and buddy to 90% of all females. (I am not one of those females that put other females off)

I'm from Oklahoma, Tulsa to be exact so the cowgirl was born into me, the smart-ass was too!! but be warned, I am whoever and what ever I choose to be at any given time.

I believe in honesty, a code of ethic’s and action that has nothing to do with what is popular at the moment, rather it is the way I live my life.

I’m not overly judgmental, and I can’t tolerate prejudice.

My Indian heritage is precious to me, and it has given me so much to draw from in life.

although the Irish side of me is the most visible. I still believe in fairy tales, Santa Clause, the lock ness monster, the shire.I definitely have the Irish mentality and make up. hense the still believing in fairy tales while knowing full well they doesn't exist.

BUT hey, if anyone can beat the odds, it's the Irish.

I'm an Irish Pixie. I believe it and it hurts no-one. so there!

I come from proud people on both sides. I embrace both.

a friend tells me Robin in Cherokee is translated as ... tsi-quo-quo.....Pronounced in english: ... chee kwo kwo

Female · From Bloomington, IN · Joined on August 29, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 1st
life..I'm interested in everything.
I listen to everything from Johnny Cash to Thin Lizzy.

DAnny Lee Anderson is a homegrown talent that you should hear. he's awesome, and a great guy in the process.

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