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35 Year Old · Female · From Omaha, NE · Joined on August 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd
35 Year Old · Female · From Omaha, NE · Joined on August 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd

I have grown up in Nebraska my whole life. I am going to college right now for Human Services: Chemical Dependency. I want to get out of college so i cant start the real experience of being on my own. O ya... I love being adventurest, explore and adapt to being independent.I LOVE meeting people,I value my friends and there friendship greatly,I love it when a guy appreciates me for who I am NOT for my body. Have any questions just ask.

35 Year Old · Female · From Omaha, NE · Joined on August 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd
I am curently presuing Human Services: Chemical Dependency at Metro Community College In North Omaha.
After this degree is aquired i will go somewhere and get a degree in Youth ministry and missionary work!(hopefuly somewhere warm)
I enjoy hanging out with friends, talking.
Tryin' my best to stay healthy!
I love to travel.
My dream is to be in the Peace Corps or a Missionary around the world from Isreal- Jerusulm- Iraq- China- Africa!!!
I dont care if places are dangerous!
Send me there because My God will protect me!
Pretty much every where i could be used.
Teaching or sharing Christ Love!!
Meet new and exciting people.
To see the world.
Go into youth Ministry.
Help out in anything and everything.
To live on what i can and give the rest to society.
I love to take pictures. Either landscape, people or objects i love Photography.
To become famous because of wierd love for different objects with Photography.
I also enjoy scrapbooking.
I love going up in the mountins and climbing.
i LOVE OkObOjI!!!!!!!!
I love helping my friends.
Mostly I am one of the most adventurist and curious person you will find!!!

LOTS: Chick Flicks-Sports-Comedy-Historical-Dance-Musicals....Did i miss anything?
I dont believe in Idols. But... I do have a hero that is Jesus Christ.

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