OK, I've LOWERED My EXCEPTION'S...You can be short,tall.Have long hair or short, I don't care. Skinny,fat in-betweenie or BBW (whatever the hell, that is) Employed not employed, full time, part time. Whatever..... Eat healthy or live at KFC.. Married,separated,involvedwith a friend with benefits. Permissive, perverted, uptight, dominate, nag,sag,and bark. Yes bark...... Like animals, hate animals, have a pet rock. Drive, don't drive,take the bus. Rich, poor, middleclass... without class, completely classless. Crude, rude, take qualudes. Have good hygiene or take thorazine. I'm thinking about it for myself. Now a little about me.......................... That's enough. If shit doesn't change, I might be moving to Montana soon, just to raise me up a crop of dental floss bush. Exasperated, Exhausted,or Well rested. If your possessive and a gold digger, by all means lets we are a match. Devoid of any personality,hit me up. For that matter, just HIT ME... For crying out loud. Time to go their serving rice pudding tonight.. Have a great Day:-) OH yeah, I was the chick who invented the smiley face. 4 Real.. No??? I'll do it again then :-) he he... Auddie