From Lake Worth, FL·
Joined on August 13, 2008
Born on March 6th
You have the power to control your own destiny. You may not feel at all comfortable with that, or want to own up to the responsibility it implies, yet it is true nonetheless. You may complain that there are so many powerful and overwhelming outside forces acting upon you that nothing you do will matter. Yet everything you do matters to the highest degree in creating your own destiny. It may seem that fate has dealt you a certain hand, and that there is no way for you to change that fate. You can, however, change everything about your own perspective and the way you respond. For your destiny is not about what comes to you. It is about who you choose to become. Your destiny is not really about what happens to you. It is built and fulfilled by the things that you cause to happen, by what you do with the precious life you have. It happens in every moment, with every choice, with every thought and every action. Always, you are creating your own unique destiny...pimp_my_profile { } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0px; } table table table { width:100%; max-width: 600px; } table table table table { width:100%;; } body, .bodyContent { background-color:222288; background-image:url(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/BUTTERFLY29/untitled.jpg); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:Transparent; border-width:4px; border-style:Solid; scrollbar-face-color:2266FF; scrollbar-3dlight-color:aaaaaa; scrollbar-shadow-color:666666; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:555555; scrollbar-arrow-color:2222FF; scrollbar-track-color:444444; } table table { border:0px; } table table table table { border:0px; background-image:none; background-color:transparent; } table table table { border-style:Solid; border-width:4px; border-color:000000; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment:fixed; } table table table td { background-color:cccccc; } table, tr, td, li, p, div,.text,.redtext, .blacktext12 { color:000000; } .whitetext12, .orangetext15 { color:000000; } .lightbluetext8, .blacktext10, .redbtext,.btext { color:999999; } .nametext { color:222222; font-family:comic sans ms; } a:active, a:visited, a:link, a.searchlinksmall:active, a.searchlinksmall:visited, a.searchlinksmall:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited, a.redlink:link { color:2266EE; } a:hover, a.searchlinksmall:hover, a.navbar:hover, a.redlink:hover { color:22CCFF; } table table table td { vertical-align:top !important;}span.blacktext12 {visibility:visible !important;background-color:transparent;background-image:url(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/BUTTERFLY29/1vm.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;font-size:0px; letter-spacing:-0.5px;; width:437px; height:75px; display:block !important; }span.blacktext12 img {display:none;; } <> - -
From Lake Worth, FL·
Joined on August 13, 2008
Born on March 6th
This is a quickly growing industry that’s ripe for home based business owners, entrepreneurs and network marketers:
-- The Right Timing
-- First to Market Products & Services
-- Size of the Market & Direct Selling Approach
-- Awesome Compensation Plan
-- Patented, Simple & Easy to Use Tools and Services
-- No Downloads or Attachments
-- Right Management Team and Leadership Group
Things to keep in mind when searching for a REAL opportunity:
Unique Products • Proven Management • Proven Leadership • Market Timing
"Video email will replace online text messages. Text based e-mail will seem as archaic as black and white TV." ~ Forester Research
Join me! Take control and create your own destiny!
In 1996, a small, grainy, quarter-inch video caught the attention of Mr. Craig Ellins and Ms. Amy Black. Played over the Internet and unencumbered by the use of a download or movie player, Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black saw the future of web-based technology: streaming video online without file transfers or a complex technical process. With that, a simple concept (albeit one way ahead of its time) was born: Make online video communications easy and affordable enough for everyone to use.
There was success in this vision. Great success. One which grew their original company to an employee base of over 160 with offices stretching from Las Vegas to Tokyo. It wasn't long however before Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black found themselves veering quickly down a path they never intended to take. A path which set its sights on Fortune 500 companies, instead of the general public as was originally intended. With the bursting of the dot-com bubble, Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black could see trouble ahead.
Then came the tragic events on September 11th. Their company fell victim to the widespread market crash that affected businesses around the world. Large enterprises were no longer investing in multi-million dollar streaming systems. The dream that Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black had tirelessly pursued was slipping away. But they refused to quit. In early November of 2001, amid a shaken nation, Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black returned to their original mission and created VMdirect.
This time however, they decided to adopt an aggressive Affiliate marketing program. The reason? A peer to peer sales system not only moves product quickly, but it rewards those who take the product to market.
Then in early 2003, something amazing happened. Mr. Ellins and Ms. Black joined forces with network marketing legend Mr. Richard Kall, a man who continues to yield millions in residual income from business organizations he built 20 years ago. As a distributor, Mr. Kall led six companies to grand success with his hard work and tireless dedication. Immediately impressed with the product's ease of use and implications for self-publishing and individual empowerment over the Internet, Mr. Kall invested in and became Chairman of VMdirect. He confirmed Mr. Ellins’ and Ms. Black’s original vision, that individuals could reach their financial goals, have fun and help others all at the same time!
Together they have created a powerful company with a network of highly motivated individuals who have positioned themselves ahead of several major online trends with a world-class compensation plan. The stage is now set for a new generation of network marketing that successfully combines high tech and high touch with a truly turnkey business system. VMdirect continues to strengthen its position within an industry poised on the edge of massive growth. With the launch of its newly revamped retail product, helloWorld 5.0 platform, VMdirect Affiliates are now preparing for worldwide expansion.