57 Year Old
From Ohio·
Joined on August 8, 2008
Born on August 7th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
57 Year Old
From Ohio·
Joined on August 8, 2008
Born on August 7th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
A little something about me, I'm a mother, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt and a friend and hopefully someday a grandma but in no hurry for that since my daughter is only 11 ;) I'm outgoing, funny at times but also have a serious side too. I love to dance, read, listen to music, going for long walks, spending time with daughter and everything that has to do with the outdoors.
I was told that I was easy to talk to so take a chance and you be the judge of that. If you want to know anything else plz don't be shy, just ask :)
I am NOT looking for a special someone, I'm here to meet new and interesting ppl just like you
Im not the tallest person around lol ... Im only 5 feet and 100 pounds so not a person that starts to much trouble lol
I am who I am, and damn proud of it :) you can like me, love me or hate me its all good I am still gonna be myself ;)
P.S. Plz don't take it the wrong way but if u don't plan on stickin' around, don't bother addin' me as a friend, if i don't talk to you for a while i will delete you from my friends list, i don't need to have a million friends on my list that i don't talk to, thanks.
What personlity are you? Wolf, horse, eagle or cat?
Wolf You are an unique person, you likes to hang out with friends, but you also need time for yourself. You can daydream all day, but when it comes to playing, you are the most playful! But you have to know, hang out with friends some more, if you are in the 'mood', it's much more fun than being alone!
57 Year Old
From Ohio·
Joined on August 8, 2008
Born on August 7th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
my daughter, keepin fit, listening to music, havin' a drink with my friends, the outdoors, fubar and IMVU http://avatars.imvu.com/Guest_Metalheartx
Your True Eyes (Water)
Cancer Although you make a real mark on the world, you are emotionally never far from home and hearth. Home and family give you strength and stability, and the home is the safe "shell" that you know you can retreat to after a long, stressful day. You is strongly rooted and often think of the past, holding onto mementos and thinking about your childhood. Your emotions run deep, and even small slights resonate down to your very core. When hurt or disappointed, you will retreat completely into your shell and become unreachable for a period of time. Your are generous and kind to others, but will cautiously wait when you confront a problem to make sure that you doesn't waste valuable resources. In the end, you will come through and help generously if no other option presents itself.