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49 Year Old · Male · From Van Wert, OH · Joined on August 6, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 19th
49 Year Old · Male · From Van Wert, OH · Joined on August 6, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 19th

Hi, my name is Noa. No I didn't build a boat. And no, I didn't forget the "H" at the end of my name. I'm 32 years old and I have three beautiful daughters. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I do the best that I can.

People criticize me because I have certain qualities or should I say abilities which allow me to atleast have a better understanding of women than most guys do. It's because love is the essence of a woman. And I know what love is.

I'm not gay, bisexual, or any of the grey area that confuses people. I'm not crazy, but I'm not exactly sane either. But are any of us?

I appreciate women. You all rule the damn world. My first breath was due to a woman. My last breath will be spent the same.

Zannah, Isabella and Emma are the three most influential females in my life. My guardian angels. They are the breath I breathe while I am living.

I'm probably not ready to date, though it's been a while. I mean I already have enough women to please as it is. However, i can't seem to shake the idea that there really is someone for me. (I know, boo hoo)

Look, I'm a good guy. I love people. And I love the stupid shit they do. I'm sort of a "people watcher". I try to be observant. I'm sensitive, but I'm not that kind of pussy, if you know what i mean.

I have no idea what else to say. If there's something you want to know, just ask. I'm no more of an asshole than every man that has walked the earth. But, I will respect you, that I can promise you.

49 Year Old · Male · From Van Wert, OH · Joined on August 6, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 19th
My Interests? You have a minute? I enjoy music, but who doesn't? I love hockey and my Dallas Stars. I also enjoy Ohio State football, the Boston Celtics, Green Bay Packers and the Lady Tennessee basketball team. I dig women's beach volleyball too. But why wouldn't I?

I've been a writer and artist since I was a child. So I guess you could say that I also enjoy paper, writing utensils, umm...crayons, adjectives, verbs and things of the sort.

My true passion? You can't tell anyone. Food! I love to cook. Manicotti anyone? Damn, I'm hungry. I've always wanted to open a restaurant. None of this fast-food, short-order B.S. Real food. Food that looks so damn good, it takes your breath away. Food that smells so good, you become oblivious to the rest of your surroundings. And food that tastes so damn good...you'll be asking for breakfast in the morning. Mmm mmm mmm.

I enjoy everything in life. I've learned you can't take things for granted. I'll never say I don't like something, if I've never tried it. And I WILL try it, if only once, I'll try it. (I'm not saying we should go base-jumping off of a bridge, but who knows?)


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