Make sure you readall the way down tothe last sentence,and don't skip ahead.I've learned....That life is like aroll of toilet paper.The closer it getsto the end, thefaster it goes.I've learned....That we should beglad God doesn'tgive us everythingwe ask for.I've learned....That money doesn'tbuy class.I've learned...that it's those small daily happeningsthat make life so spectacular.I've learned....That under everyone'shard shell is someonewho wants to beappreciatedand loved.I've learned....That to ignore thefacts does notchange the facts.I've learned....That the less timeI have to work,the more thingsI get done."world's best friends week"send this to all ur good friends.Even me, if i am one of them.See how many u get back.If u get more than 3 u r really lovable"
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