friend us at SHOWS NEAR U!SEPT 30GULLIFTY'S1104 CARLISLE RDCAMP HILL PA(717)761-6692____________________________________________SAT Oct 1stMcStew's Irish Sports Pub5316 New Falls Road Levittown, Pa(215) 949-9570 ______________________________________________ Sat Oct 15 Sweeney's Station Saloon13639 PHILMONT AVE PHILA PA 19116215 677 3177
All you touch and all you SEE is all your life will ever be!THE ULITIMATE PINK FLOYD TRIBUTE BAND.MORE INFO AT WWW.THINKPINKFLOYD.COMUPCOMING SHOWS!----------------------FEB.28thCAZZ'S Sports Bar and Grill1560 Haines Road Levittown PA 19055 ----------------------Mar 6 (cancelled) SorryChameleon ClubLancaster, Pa-----------------------MARCH 28TH (SWEENEY'S SALOON)13639 PHILMOUNT AVEPHILA PA 19116----------------------MAY 30CHILL BAR & GRILL100 buck rdHOLLAND pa 18966215 357 7700----------------------JUNE6TH (SWEENEY'S SALOON)13639 PHILMOUNT AVEPHILA PA 19116----------------------People we get out to our events aretrue Pink Floyd fans from the area and beyond.....People really enjoy the music of Pink Floyd.