Well I am just a good ol' boy from the south, I like hunting, fishing, cars and guns,I like to have a good time and tie one off from time to time "cheers". I work in the oilfield and have been doing this racket for some 7 or 8 years now. I am pretty damn straight forward so if I tell you something its exactly whats on my mind, can't take it don't ask for it...kinda how I look at it. I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I am not the dumbest one either. I really don't know what else to say except if you like me cool, if you don't move on I don't have time for drama and don't create it either. If your lady friend is on my page and she aint supposed to be don't come to me go check your woman. Thats about all I got.
WERE VOTED ONE OF THE SEXIEST PEOPLE ON Fubar....WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN HIT, YOU MUST SENDTHIS PLAYBOY BUNNY TO ALL THE SEXY PEOPLE YOU KNOW INCLUDING THE PERSON THAT SEND IT TO YOU...___$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$____________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-3-YOUR UGLY4-6-YOUR FINE6-8-YOUR HOTT
Right to the point. I like that. I just wanted to tell you that I noticed your comment on BBW on a MUMM and wanted to pat you on the back for thinking the way you do. I have been a BBW all my life and am finally realizing that I will always be and that there ARE guys out there who DO appreciate. Thanx
Hi there...I just came by to thank you for stopping by my page by leaving some Big Girl Luv on yours, so I rated you an 11, fanned you, and accepted your friend request which also gives you access to the rest of my pics and blogs. I hope you are having an amazing weekend! Lots of Curvy Hugs and Luv for you! xoxo~~Curvaliciousbbw~~
Hey hey gorgeous. I stopped by to rate and fan you. If you get a moment and can return the favor,I'd greatly appreciate it. I hopeyou are doing well. :) also..if you get a minute - please rate my girl below. Click her pic and it will take you right to her page. XOXOXO Want to come hang out with us? You can find us in Forbidden Inc or Cell Block 69. Click the pic below to head to our home. We'd love to chat with you.
Just dropped by your page to show sum love!!~Come Chill wif Us at CK2~JUST CLICK THE PIC AND YOUR THERE ! :)Tell them Sweets Sent ya and Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!