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52 Year Old · Male · Invited by: holly · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!
52 Year Old · Male · Invited by: holly · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!

Sooooo, I'm 35ish years ok, live in the NE of the UK (in a town famous for it's fish fingers.....). I'm in a long term realationship and have been for the past 8 years. I've got 4 step-kids, and 7 dogs.

I'm a total flirt, and like most guys enjoy looking at the oposite sex, but I'm not in cybersex/phonesex etc - been there done that bought the T-shirt etc, I prefer the real thing thank you - although I don't see the problem in looking at pictures of pretty girls :) after all if you didn't want people looking at them you wouldn't have uploaded them would you?

I'm on here to...actually I'm not sure why I'm on here, at the moment I'm having fun making new friends and looking at the aforesaid photos!

I've had several 'careers'; Student (three times!), Mechanical Engineer building/designing steam turbines and other stuff for the nuclear power industry, Sales Engineer for telecoms equipment, Motorcycle salesman and finally a senior IT service analyst for several multinationals- which is basically a job-speak way of saying senior computer geek, I'm the one you (finally) get to speak to after speaking to the helpdesk and the poor sod who comes and visits your desk.

I smoke - tobbaco mostly, but 'other things' now and then, and drink occasionally.


52 Year Old · Male · Invited by: holly · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!
I've interested in photography since my late teens, I've been through several variations from el-cheapo point and shoot compacts to $1000 SLRs and a dark-room in the attic. I'm currently working my way up the digital isle with a nice little mid-range Kodak.

I'm also a total computer geek, what can I say? I've owned one since I was 11, mostly for playing games but I'm also into 3D and photoshop stuff - mostly adult themed you can see some of my work in my photos area (NSFM, but tasteful)so fan/add me and consider yourself warned. I do the odd bit of commission work, so if you'd like a 3D hot chick of your very own or a photo retouched for that "airbrushed model" look PM me :).

I've owned various bikes starting with a lil' 125 MotoX going through several 600cc racers, a Fireblade and Firestorm. I'm currently saving my pennies (and hoping for a lottery win!) for a custom V-Twin.
Mostly rock/metal like Hinder, Nickelback, Aerosmith, Kid Rock etc, with a little James Blunt, and pop thrown in for variety.
Video Games
Hah, Like I'm gonna list 'em all here!

Been playing games since I was 11 on a Commodore64, I've had C64s Amigas, various Segas and Nintendos, PC's Playstation 1 and 2s (no PS3, it's overpriced tat) Xbox and Xbox360s, and a Wii.

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