I don't really do New Year's Resolutions, but instead i have come up with 9 goals for 2014:
- Ride my bike 1000 miles. Biking used to be my only form of transportation then sometime in my mid 20s I joined the car owning society. I need to go back to a lifestyle of less driving and better fitness.
- Vacation more. Do I really need to explain this one? I have beautiful places to go and projects to do at home.
- Eat more cruciferous vegetables. You know, cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli... I made up a great new recipe for Brussels sprouts this fall and realized i need to eat this stuff more.
- Write more. I earned my degree in English, yet in my current life I rarely write. Whether it is letters, blogs, tweets or maybe even a story or two i need to use this skill.
- Read more. See above. The last few years most of my reading has been magazines and seed catalogs. I want to fit more books into 2014.
- Go to yoga more. I find balance when I do so I should do it.
- Make people smile more. Happy people are fun to be around and they don't kill people.
- Grow something I have never grown. This is on every year's list. i also plan to grow something at a place i have never grown something.
- Compliment someone every day.