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I'm not a Christian, although I was raised Russian Orthodox. I'm not anything, I'm just a person. I believe in evolution not in being ruled by dead people from a time I never knew. I was delivered to this condition by what is known in Greek as Thelema.

But what is Easter?

There was this person represented by the name Jesus Christ who had certain beliefs that upset the powers that be and they told him to denounce what he speaketh or vee Kill you. So the death of Jesus represents a very important milestone in "human evolution"; similar to the milestone of Abraham refusing to make a human sacrifice of his son. A person died for what they believed in and his followers saw the importance of that and felt morally compelled to somehow ensure that humanity, for the good of itself and for the good of "human evolution", remembered that fact. So it was decided that from the death of winter to the rebirth in Spring, when all buds and blooms are resurrected - that it Shall be remembered, that this man died for what he believed in.


But this man did not create Spring, nor resurrection. So stop and consider the buds and blooms. They die in Fall and Winter, are reborn and reproduce in Spring and Summer, continuously, like a human blood line, yet, most likely, outlasting any. We don't know these buds or blooms, we don't name them only as such things as the daffodils, lilacs, &c, but they are living and that's what "eternal life" is, it's the same with people.

I had a brief conversation a few days ago with a Conservative; and it reminded me that Conservatives are wed to the idea of Divine Right Monarchy. They slam shut all of the metaphorical doors inside of their head until their mind is very small and then everything outside of it is either God or the Devil. If it seems "good" to them, then it's God, but if it seems bad "must be the devil". Now I told my Mother this and if She can handle it then so can you, just open the door a little ... a friend of mine, an Irish Roman Catholic, myself and another friend of mine who was a Polish Roman Catholic were in a bar getting drunk and talking about Philosophy. the Polish guy was getting nervous about what the Irish guy was saying and started going around inside of his head slamming the doors shut (great metaphor for a film). So he reminded the Polih guy about what Aristotle said about God - essentially - a theory beyond human comprehension or as the Orientals say "the Unique Principle" and then had the Pole concede that God must indeed be unique. So the Pole seemed satisfied and the Irishman countered "So Fuck God in the Ass" !! The Pole was absolutely livid and the Irishman said now wait a minute: when you go to bed and lay me down to sleep, do you say your prayers? And the Pole said why yes I do; and the Irishman said well if what you're praying to has an asshole then it certainly can't be unique since everyone has one of those

This is one example of why blasphemy is protected speech but at sometime in the past, this poor Irishman would have surely been burned alive, hung, drawn and quartered, stoned, whatever; and if you just open the doors a little the power is within yourself to realize why we had to evolve beyond that. I think that Jesus would have liked that but the Powers that Be are never satisfied - they're still killing and plundering robbing and stealing, in the name of Christ, America but paradoxically, never, themselves

And finally, that's what all of this comes down to - You and Your Power vs. the Powers that Be so when you think about Jesus Christ think about that - and ask yourself - what side are you really on. To thine ownself be true

blazintommyd's Easter Sermon 2011


I'm not a Christian, although I was raised Russian Orthodox. I'm not anything, I'm just a person. I believe in evolution not in being ruled by dead people from a time I never knew. I was delivered to this condition by what is known in Greek as Thelema.

But what is Easter?

There was this person represented by the name Jesus Christ who had certain beliefs that upset the powers that be and they told him to denounce what he speaketh or vee Kill you. So the death of Jesus represents a very important milestone in "human evolution"; similar to the milestone of Abraham refusing to make a human sacrifice of his son. A person died for what they believed in and his followers saw the importance of that and felt morally compelled to somehow ensure that humanity, for the good of itself and for the good of "human evolution", remembered that fact. So it was decided that from the death of winter to the rebirth in Spring, when all buds and blooms are resurrected - that it Shall be remembered, that this man died for what he believed in.


But this man did not create Spring, nor resurrection. So stop and consider the buds and blooms. They die in Fall and Winter, are reborn and reproduce in Spring and Summer, continuously, like a human blood line, yet, most likely, outlasting any. We don't know these buds or blooms, we don't name them only as such things as the daffodils, lilacs, &c, but they are living and that's what "eternal life" is, it's the same with people.

I had a brief conversation a few days ago with a Conservative; and it reminded me that Conservatives are wed to the idea of Divine Right Monarchy. They slam shut all of the metaphorical doors inside of their head until their mind is very small and then everything outside of it is either God or the Devil. If it seems "good" to them, then it's God, but if it seems bad "must be the devil". Now I told my Mother this and if She can handle it then so can you, just open the door a little ... a friend of mine, an Irish Roman Catholic, myself and another friend of mine who was a Polish Roman Catholic were in a bar getting drunk and talking about Philosopy. the Polish guy was getting nervous about what the Irish guy was saying and started going around inside of his head slamming the doors shut (great metaphor for a film). So he reminded the Polih guy about what Aristotle said about God - essentially - a theory beyond human comprehension or as the Orientals say "the Unique Principle" and then had the Pole concede that God must indeed be unique. So the Pole seemed satisfied and the Irishman countered "So Fuck God in the Ass" !! The Pole was absolutely livid and the Irishman said now wait a minute: when you go to bed and lay me down to sleep, do you say your prayers? And the Pole said why yes I do; and the Irishman said well if what you're praying to has an asshole then it certainly can't be unique since everyone has one of those

This is one example of why blasphemy is protected speech but at sometime in the past, this poor Irishman would have surely been burned alive, hung, drawn and quartered, stoned, whatever; and if you just open the doors a little the power is within yourself to realize why we had to evolve beyond that. I think that Jesus would have liked that but the Powers that Be are never satisfied - they're still killing and plundering robbing and stealing, in the name of Christ, America but paradoxically, never, themselves

And finally, that's what all of this comes down to - You and Your Power vs. the Powers that Be so when you think about Jesus Christ think about that - and ask yourself - what side are you really on. To thine ownself be true

blazintommyd's Easter Sermon 2011

People bitch about government, taxes and apparently terrorism but never bitch about business.

In the United States of America, business, with the aid and assistance of government holds complete monopolistic control over every means of human subsistence except air - they haven't figured out how to prevent you from breathing it, in order to charge you for it. Conservatives would argue that it is the God given right of business to control all means of subsistence because doing otherwise would be Godless Communism. Liberal opposition might be - well if we can't ensure that business charge a fair price then let us subsidize (bribe) business.

One of the best examples of this folly is exemplified by the post WWII creation of milk boards. Cow milk, for all intents and purposes, is an absolutely irrelevant and unecessary substance to anyone or anything except baby cows. None the less a businessman discovered that he could buy a cow, feed it grass, squeeze it's tits and sell the liquid to people dumb enough to buy it; and then after other businessmen discovered that people were buying it, dairy became a popular business.

No need to plow the fields for anything but cow corn and no one complained about smelling cow shit either? And then the more established milk sellers, now being all society like, complained to government that these newcomers were selling their milk at too low a price. But isn't that the way God's business is supposed to operate? People buy the cheapest? And competition - the American way - fosters the lowest prices?

Well, there was this man named Benjamin Cardozo who was the 1st Italian allowed into United States Government and was appointed to the US Supreme Court. Legislating from the bench he ruled that it is Constitutional for the government to set a price floor on milk but that it would be unconstitutional to set a price ceiling. And thus using an absolutely unnecessary animal substance, apparently under the ideology of it won't kill ya right away will it, the US against Them society was born. Business, was now granted feudal privilege to have and hold a preferred position over you, the mere human being; and of course bovine tit juice became a vital National Security Interest, so vital in fact that Conservatives argued, why can't we apply the same law to rent control?


I was disappointed by the State of the Union address

Admittedly the response from the Nazi Fascists made it even worse leaving the impression well you can have the President or full blown unbridled Nazi Fascism. It's kind of like you can have Mussolini or Adolf Hitler but never Stalin. So essentially it was the same old shit since Ronald RayGun was Fuhrer. But this was actually the 1st time I felt completely disconnected and alienated from the entire event and all of the people. I've been wondering if it's something that has to do with age, like one of the founders of Letterism had said you have to be 50 something before you can comprehend what it is. I can view a Letterist film and feel inspiration, interesting thoughts, pleasant imagery; but let alone soulless and dull, there literally wasn't a single thing in the President's speech or the Nazi response which was of any interest to me, at all, except "limited government" unfortunately to them limited government only means the abolition of taxation and to allow businesses the prerogative to absolutely exploit any or all human needs for profit to facilitate the further stratification of society. It doesn't mean free speech, free love or free anything, unless you as them equate freedom with human exploitation by anyone willing to have short hair wear something like a business suit and being willing to just ruthlessly fuck over the population and sell them air. At best the Liberals would make an appeal to the Nazi Fascists to please make the price reasonable and the Nazi Fascists would be arguing that the government shouldn't subsidize such purchase by the downtrodden, better that they suffocate than to increase debt on social spending rather than making war on innocent women and children in some far off third world nation

So essentially what the President was saying is that the USA is perfect but maybe in 20 years we can have hi-speed rail and solar power will supplant some dinosaur energy utility companies and maybe we'll have more electric cars. Essentially the same shit Carter was saying almost 40 years ago. So essentially as far as the President is concerned everything is just hunky dory if not for a few minor set backs here and there like the people have to work harder and longer hours, be better educated and teachers have to start writing scripts and FRCP 12 (b)(6) [s] to join doctors and lawyers on the pages of "Unique Homes". The Nazi response was well yes we agree except that the President and the Democratic Party ruined everything by what they vaguely referred to as "A stimulus package" and that taxes ought to be abolished along with any regulation of business so that private sector social parasites can grow out of their own debt and do Enron Ponzi schemes and whatever else it is that these mutated freakish things are always bitching or whining about.

The fact of the matter is, the Conservatives have ruled the USA since they blew his brains out from the grassy knoll. I watched a Laurel and Hardy film just before the address and noticed that the same schtick was employed as in their silent films and that people like Jack Benny used essentially the same schtick in 1950s television - Milton Berle was sort of an exception - but essentially nothing changed from the time of Anthony Comstock to the 1960s; and then when Nixon was appointed Fuhrer the Conservatives mostly by Court appointments - turned back the clock, slammed the iron doors on freedom and everyone in government eventually morphed into Calvin Coolidge "America's Business is Business" and that's the problem - i.e., no one from either party has a whit regarding any alternative. The Conservatives have demanded the abolition of all or any and the others said 'ok, but please be compassionate about it'. So that is the actual State of the Union. But to really understand what all of this means you merely ask yourself what will result from this? On behalf of government, nothing more than what I've already said

If you want change, then you have to change yourself, how you react, how you think and treat other people and you can't do that by conforming to the status quo - e.g., by ratting out people that like to show their flesh on social networking sites, to act like a gaggle of obedient Nazi assholes by being intolerant of communism, socialism, cross dressing same sex, knocking people that don't give a fuck about support the troops, religion, hey maybe they worship Satan, so what, maybe they worship a Goddess and Love to suck her toes. In order for anything to change you have to allow evolution to proceed and in order to do that you have to allow free thought, expression, speech, free sex, free Love, free flesh - the things that you attribute to God and then say fuck you God when you rat someone out for being bare assed, not supporting the troops or whatever

What has actually happened is this - It's a sort of Herbert Spencer "Social Statics" thing, what the Malthus axiom correctly attributes to population (quote) has occurred with the US economy. The easiest way to see this is in "carrying capacities" e.g., the area of land isn't large enough to accommodate the people and in terms of agriculture, water and where you dump your shit, population density (essentially what Germany was fighting about in WWI and II,  Lebensraum
  ) . The same is true in terms of the private sector in being the sole source of all human needs. It can no longer be done. This is why people are homeless, unemployed, starving, dying because doctors won't treat them if someone doesn't pay them. When there were a few million people here and they could just cut down trees and have someone cart them off to England &c there were all sorts of opportunities, food resources but these became crowded out because of population growth. The USA through it's government has had only one solution which it used for over 200 years and quite frankly it is shot to shit and we need something new. The problem is No One in government sees that - they are too filled with all of this National Anthem make war support the troops and consume to see what is really the problem - i.e., the National economic system has surpassed it's carrying capacity and a new solution to these inescapable problems of nature has to be devised. At the present State of the Union, this is not happening and what is worse no one wants it to happen, everyone is still trying to get around in their model A and then when someone says Holy Shit wtf is the matter with you the USA starts shooting and singing the national anthem and YOU are the USA.

Sorrow Pain Suffering - this could be very lucrative !!

This is how the Liberals do things - viz., we have to allow the private sector to profit by human misfortune they have so elegantly assimilated Cancer into the economic system, here, we'll give you a free mamogram and colonoscopy !! you may wake up boobless and gutless butt at least you'll still be able to consume and pay taxes.

Insert Picture of John D. Rockefeller giving pennies to child labor

Peasants take about 20 years to get tired of Fascism and decide maybe there's something we can do, with what used to be our government, to make our wretched existence a little less miserable: so they elect Democratics, and then it's like wtf is this? Hey look if we're going to have Nazi fascism let's at least elect the Nazi fascists they know how to make it work and why should business care - some schmuck needs to make his Cadillac payment and keep another whore across town, government will bail him out.

Welcome to "the American Dream", there it is.

Obama is the Black Jimmy Carter, actually the Brownskin Jimmy Carter America still isn't ready for a Black President. This is why I wanted a coal Black dude
to get elected, with 4 white blue eyed blond women as the 1st Ladies. I used to fuck this beautiful exotic dancer my cock was a little small for her she was 6 feet tall and she liked Big Black guys, she said they were Hawaiin.

I wonder if you're Presbyterian I know Hugh Hefner is.

Face it, the Democratic Party isn't finished it's merely become Republican. T
here's no way to distinguish Jimmy Carter's Christian Democrats from the Republicans except for their Southern accent.

So people have been talking about a 3rd Party ever since Thurmond ran the KKK as the States Rights Party. But that was just the remnants of the Democratics protesting against humanity.

Liberalism died with FDR and as insurance against necromancy - the KKK killed JFK - what a great chorus for a punk rock song, where are the new Ramones or where is the new Clash?

The fact of the matter is a 3rd Party is impossible as long as commercialism chooses the candidates. Any candidate allowed on air is at best a sun spot that becomes assimilated into the Monolith just like Cancer, AIDs and other venereal diseases; some brandished as the punishments of God and some found to be quite lucrative.

Not long ago - guys like Obama were 'leaders of the free world' out to impose this forgoing 'US perfection' on the rest of the world heating the globe with enough plutonium to melt the solar ice caps with the idea that this will prevent the Soviet Union from liberating labor or else the US government will nu-clear earth.

The panacea provided to you by the Democratic-republican single party monolith is their attempt to bribe the private sector into 'creating jobs' and then as soon as the Press - living in their multi million dollar "Unique Homes" - says that whatever amount of 'new jobs' occurs is good, then it will be "morning in America" and those protesting, are hooligans requiring psycho analysis.

So the Republicans Had to retake the House so that capitalist Nazi fascism could take all the credit

I hate America anyway, it's a great idea but it's a lost cause and it's because the people that live here aren't good enough for it otherwise 1% of the population wouldn't be controlling 99% of the wealth.

PS - and forget about Ron Paul and all of that other bullshit - they require party and press pre-approval - viz., Ron Paul had to agree to States Rights KKKonservatism before he was allowed to be a national candidate. You live here, you know about eating shit and licking ass, it's what those you place in the hierarchy demand of you, it's 'the American way of life' now cheer Caesar, the military just blew something up half way around the world to show everyone else how free you are.

And my fucking jaw hurts. Or is it my ear? I went to the doctor and I said doctor, it hurts when I do this ... he said don't do that.

Well anyway - according to my Doctor's visual observation - this skin condition on my glans is not cancerous, not precancerous and not contagious. Apparently the same thing would happen to my lips and nose if I touched them as much. But it doesn't feel as good so I don't.

What pisses me off is that the government doesn't do anything about this except blow people up protect businessmen and redistribute wealth to the Republicans. Why can't they hire all of these great minds we always hear about to cure all venereal diseases - at least in the USA - and make onanism a more pleasant and agreeable practice

So throughout this ordeal which will probably result in some doctor wanting to cut off my cock, i was diagnosed with yeast infection, fungal infection and wjdk (phonetically pronounced widgdick) - we just don't know.

As is usually the case I ended up doing all of the research and treatment myself and learned several important things (1) most medicated creams that American doctors order you rub all over your cock as a cure for these things are of a (a) mineral oil base - e.g., petroleum jelly (b) a glycerin base (c) both and (d) with or without other additives such as propylene glycol - maybe in case it gets cold.

Mineral oil is a by product of gasoline and the simple fact of the matter is, it's cheaper to retail it than it is to throw it away.

Here rub this all over your cock and balls, smear it all over your pussy, tits, put it in your hair, rub it on your ass, in your ass, slather it on your legs, your baby's ass, drink the fucking stuff you filthy thing.

Hey Jerome is this safe? Fuck no !! but chances are they'll be dead before they connect the dots and cancer is a big and very lucrative industry - like prisons where maintenance per person is geometrically greater than merely providing them with subsistence - it's the economy stupid

insert link to the Bizarro World).

Glycerin - aggravates yeast making it grow and so does steroids - another cream i was given to use in conjunction with the others. So here I am ready to make a pact with Mitch McConnell so that the God of Israel will spare my cock and the fucking doctors are giving me gasolone, antifreeze and this other shit to help it along !! Tommy do you jerk off, here try this - 40 weight works great !! and when you get done just wash it off with some mineral spirits

Blacktop, the freedom of the highway, buy a car to get some pussy, the President is now on the tarmac - Mawh you got that Petroleum distillate fire goin I need some burnt meat !! i just Love how it smells. Well just be careful with matches around your condition baby or we'll be having some burnt frankfurter. That's what they do with them after they cut them off.

So then I find out I'm paying these dermatologists $170.00 per visit - Hi how are you, let's have a look - O you need more antifreeze, turn over let's check the oil - that's good see you next week.

So finally I just said fuck it, washed the head of my cock, broke a piece of aloe vera smeared it all over the glans went to sleep woke up OMGoddess the whole head of my cock was peeling, so I called in for an appointment to my original doctor - whom I lost when insurance companies changed were bought out whatever - O just do what the dermatologists told you to do I'll see you in two weeks. So again i said fuck it washed it off and put on some petroleum jelly Viola !! this is the best my cock has looked in months !! Happy as a clam

Then I'm doing more research and OMGoddess cancer linked to moisturizers with mineral oil base. I'm growing cancer on my cock so I go and wash it off again and I'm like wtf am I supposed to do ?

So luckily I like to primp and have OPI avocado oil for my cuticles. Got the little pp all nice and clean - so adorable looks like little Russian baby in babooska - and smeared some OPI cuticle oil all over it - it is specifically stated on the bottle No mineral oil, no glycerin and no propylene glycol. I'm going to get more

And then I read this other article that Avocado oil is bad for people prone to yeast whereas other recommend it in an anti yeast diet.

Moral of the story? Aside from Capitalist decadence and utter stupidity just give me the fucking money &c there are no solutions to these things unless you're a millionaire because there's probably some cock doctor somewhere that charges $250,000.00 a visit and maybe has a solution and maybe not - that's something I'll never know.


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