51 Year Old
From Hazleton, PA·
Joined on July 8, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 6th
I have a crush on someone!
The best way to describe myself is to say. I give it all and take nothing back. When it comes to my life I do not want to haunted by regret or somthing unsaid. And I see love like I see chocolate it comes in many different variaties and strengths but its all good. On a side note I am the beacon in sea of life for those I once had close to me. They come and go as to rest for a moment to find thier bearings and then once again continue along thier journey on lifes winds but always drift back to rest. So if you find yourself in need of rest shout me and see what I can do for you.
51 Year Old
From Hazleton, PA·
Joined on July 8, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 6th
I have a crush on someone!
I am an outdoorsy person and enjoy all of it from quiet mornings and evenings on my back porch to days of trying to lose myself in the wilderness. I have been acused of being from the wilderness. as for other intrest I like people finding out about them and were paths in life have led them and will lead them. But one of my favorite pastime is good company with conversation.
Music well my intrest vary greatly and what I listen to depends totally upon my mood. here are some artist I like. Dave Mathews,Bob Segar,Phil Colins,Eric Clapton , metalica , Danzig , 311 , type O negetive , Linkin Park , Feul , Sick Puppies , Matchbox 20 and many many more.