If roses are red, are violets blue?'Tis tha question from one to you ,One may think, yet not really ponder a thout of many wonders,How can it be,Ode to thee of such amazing danier,that one thinken to be on a lanier of plight, when does one know who is rite, or is one just always relying on touch or eyesite,that hindsite goes forthwith and doesnt ever draw neigh,Oh such a question tis I ask of thee, if roses are red, are violets blue,what else can one see that mite really matter, when its all about whats in tha batter and not on tha plate, Oh tooee thus inner tranquility, that is such a blessing in disguise, yet one aught not to surmise tha days as they arrise,Ode as worth though art and forevermore shall be, always live but never die,for from henveforht one shall then be able to think sensibly , yet one will see why roses are red and violtes are blue, thus ends tha question from one to you!! Aka "CRUSHER" Cc 2002 international library of poetry --page 81 --Mythology of tha Heart-- and all tha above is my original and no one elses words can suffice or transduce what is said or saids to be told in thus poem, any hence thus person to taken my work for there own is of purgery and contempt for criminal crimes and punishable by tha court of law -- all my works are trademarked by tha Internationl Library of Poetry by Nobel House and never to be use without written permisson and consent from the author Aka Me --