The darkness has never been able to suffocate thelight, just as the light has always illuminated thedarkness.So, with these two truths, may we all strive for,seek, and live within the light. May the glow we emit,even to those not yet ready to see, be warmed andcomforted by it. May our light be a beacon to guideothers to a path of virtue and compassion. May we beas the sun, the life bringer to all life. May wepenetrate even the most obscure places and theshadows, aspiring that not a single being left overlooked. xoxox, Desa
The darkness has never been able to suffocate thelight, just as the light has always illuminated thedarkness.So, with these two truths, may we all strive for,seek, and live within the light. May the glow we emit,even to those not yet ready to see, be warmed andcomforted by it. May our light be a beacon to guideothers to a path of virtue and compassion. May we beas the sun, the life bringer to all life. May wepenetrate even the most obscure places and theshadows, aspiring that not a single being left overlooked. xoxox, Desa