39 Year Old
From Houston, TX·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 11th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
39 Year Old
From Houston, TX·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 11th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Hi, my name is Jarret and I will rock your world.
10 Reasons To Date A Motocrosser 1: They have strong fingers 2: They always know when to slow down and speed up 3: They have tremendous stamina and endurance 4: They always wear proper protection 5: They have the fastest 'lap' times 6: They know how to work their tools 7: They Love getting dirty 8: The harder and faster they go the better. 9: They know how to work around tight areas with ease 10: They're always practicing so they can become better
39 Year Old
From Houston, TX·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 11th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Hi sweetieI hope you are having a wonderful day :)I am always looking for new friends I love friends!!!!!!I fanned and rated you the 10 you soooo deserve if you would like to return the favorthat would be wonderful!!!!!If you would like to be my friend please send me a friend requestand I will gladly accept!!!!!Please remember that my life is sometimes hectic and there willbe times when I don't have a chance to comment you :(But remember my friends are friends for life and you will alwaysbe in my heart :)If you ever need me please feel free to"shout"I will always be here if you need a friend!!!!!!!Love alwaysMarissa*kisses and hugs*Please stay safe :)
i have crazy's looking at my profile!! this place is"bootleg" as you would say :) not sure what to do...but ummmm, why am i not your number one? you love me so you better put me up there...and what's with those naked pictures?? i've seen them somewhere else before...like letsbegay.com?!?! :) oh wait, i saw them on MY phone....AHHHHHH