When it comes to living, most men act like they're going to live forever,and feel short changed when they don't. but most bikers know the truth. When it comes to living, we're all just passing through. So you might as well enjoy the ride.
So what others measure in dollars and cents, most bikers measure in speed, chrome, cast iron, stainless steel, black rubber, and engine power. It's what your gauges measure that counts, not other peoples expectations.
It's twisting the grip and snapping the next gear, it's up to the red line while you streak down the white line, leaving all the citizens to stay in line. 'Cause you know the truth... we're all just passing through... and heaven is just one more gear up.
Did Anyone Ever Tell YouHow Important You Make Others FeelSomebody out here is SmilingAbout Love that is so RealDid Anyone Ever Tell You thatMany Times When They were SadYour E-mail (and chats) made Them Smile a bitIn Fact It made Them GladFor the Time You Spend Sending ThingsAnd Sharing whatever You FindThere are No Words to Thank YouBut Somebody, Thinks You're FineDid Anyone Ever Tell YouJust How Much They Love YouWell, My Dearest FriendToday I am Telling YouI HOPE I GET THIS BACKI believe that without a specialfriend you are missing out on a lot!!!But don't just send it back, send it on to everyone..Have a nice day, and I'm glad we are friends!!!......... , . ~ . ~ , ~ , .................... ).. - ~. . ' ..( .................... ( . . . ...(......) ....................| . . . . . ).....| ....................{.. . . . .(. . ./ ........................ =(.. /.)= .............................. -;..;-' .................................)|( , .................................. || _.-'| .......................... , _|| .._,/ .................... , ... ....|| .' .......................|...|...,...||/ ......................./...| /|., |Y|| ....................... '-...'-._....||/ ........................... >_.-..Y| ................................ , _|| ..................................... || ..................................... || ..................................... || ......................................||.....................Send this rose to everyone you careabout including me if you care. Seehow many times you get this, I prayyou get a DOZEN"
!! YOU HAVE BEEN SPANKED !!!!Pass on the paddle ... send this on to your friends see who spanks ya back.1 - 3 = tease4 - 7 = playful8 -12 = toy13-.. = call me
Bikers Lament
When it comes to living, most men act like they're going to live forever,and feel short changed when they don't. but most bikers know the truth. When it comes to living, we're all just passing through. So you might as well enjoy the ride.
So what others measure in dollars and cents, most bikers measure in speed, chrome, cast iron, stainless steel, black rubber, and engine power. It's what your gauges measure that counts, not other peoples expectations.
It's twisting the grip and snapping the next gear, it's up to the red line while you streak down the white line, leaving all the citizens to stay in line. 'Cause you know the truth... we're all just passing through... and heaven is just one more gear up.