I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Madison, Indiana, when I was 21 years old I moved here to Wichita, Ks were I have lived sence. I love to tavel and because of that I've been to the 48 states which are on the mainland to this great country, I've also been to Canada, Mexico, a few places in South America as well. One day I would love to go and travel across Europe.. but maybe I'll do that once I am done with collage. I am enrolled at WSU, I am working on a double major in CJ and Psy, once I graduate with at least a Masters in both fields I want to go and work with Interpol. But until than I am just working amd going to school to pass the time. I think I've got a very easy and outgoing personality. As much as I can be an asshole, I am also a very tenderhearted person, which is a strange mix.
The kind of music I listen to really depends on what mood I am in, but the most part I enjoy listing to these bands.. Rammstien, Slipknot, Manson, Rob Zombie, NIN, Incubus, Deathstar, Papa Roach, Lit, Good Charlotte, Akon, Chingy, Hinder, Linken Park, Godsmack, Inkubus Sukkubus, Celtic Circle, Tech 9, Metallica, Ozzy, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Luda , Eminem, ICP, Enva, Evanescence
Movies: Harry Potter Series, Scream 1-3, Spiderman 1-3, Superman 1-4 and Superman Returns, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Fantastic Four 1 and 2, X-men 1-3, House on haunting hill, Indiana Jones 1-3, Fast and Furious, To Fast Too Furious, Fast and Furious Tokyo drift, It, The Stand, Matrix 1-3, 300, Terminator ( all of em), Lord of the Rings Series, The Hobbet, Consatine, How High, Butterfly Sword, The White Dragon, Ninth Gate, Forbidden Kingdom, Butterfly Effect, Waiting, Dungons and Dragons, Night at the Museum, Beowolf, Iron Man, Transformers, Coach Carter, Moulin Rouge, Tomb Raider 1 and 2, Naruto Movies 1-4, Swordfish, Living Dead, Evil Dead, The Haunting, 13 Ghost, Night Rider, Broken Arrow, The storm of the Centery, Star Wars ( no I am not a geek, they just have a good story line), Tremers 1-3, Texas Chansaw Mascer, Saw 1 and 2 (3 and 4 sucked ass), A Knights Tale, Dances with Wolves, and there are many, many more I could put down but thats ok.. the point is I like a little of everything.
Television :Naruto, Ah! my Goddess, Family Guy, Futurama, Anything on History Chanel, Animal Plant, and Food Network, CSI ( yes the whole lot of em), Scrubs, Fear Factor, Most Reality TV programs, Murder She Wrote ( use to watch it with my mother, and after she passed I watch it to keep her memory live with me), Monk, Frasier, Inuyasha, Old school scuby Doo and Tom and Jerry, Murder Files, Unsolved Cases, Cops, Forensic Files, Nightline and Dateline news, Weather Chanel, Survivor Man, Survivor, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Alantis (its not as good as the Stargate itself but its still ok), and a few other programs just depending on my mood.
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