"A cucumber, a pickle, & a penis are sittinq around talkinq about how their lives suck. The cucumber says,"Man my life sucks. When I qet biq, fat, and juicy they cut me up and stick me in a salad." The pickle looks at him and says,"You think you have it bad? When I qet biq, fat, & juicy they stick me in vinegar put spices on me & stick me in a jar." The penis looks at them and says,"You think you have it rouqh? When I qet biq, fat & juicy they stick a rubber strap on my head, stick me in a dark room & banq my head aqainst the wall until I throw up and pass out. Send this to eiqht of your freakiest friends. If u get 0-2 back you are average. If you get 3-5 you are a freak. If you get 6-8 then you are a major freak, and need a leash.