38 Year Old
Invited by: myzzxtrathykk·
Joined on May 14, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 5th
38 Year Old
Invited by: myzzxtrathykk·
Joined on May 14, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on June 5th
Okay so my name is Kristen Ashley. I am 21 going on 22. I have a little boy he was born on January 19th of this year. Also, I am a lesbian. I have a wonderful girlfriend who has shown me that it doesn't matter what people think about you as long as you are happy that's all that matters. So for those of you whom do not like me because I am gay FUCK YOU and GET THE HELL OFF MY PAGE! Danielle and I have been together for a while now...we had previously dated back in 05 to 06 and broke up and she found her way back into my life after I had my son...I thank god everyday for giving me the gift of a child. My son has saved my life without him I don't know where I would be right now.
Even tho I am a mother I still like to get out and have fun I just don't get so fucked up I don't know whats going on like I used to. I don't get fucked up around my kid so I don't get to get jacked up that often but when I do it is fun and people enjoy being with me while I am..lol..I like to act silly and laugh and just have fun!