Hi there,Wanna get sh!tfaced faced and make new friends in the process? Then come and join Mish's Booze Cruise which I run. Please click here to check out the rules and how you join :o)If you would like loads of new friends, fans, page rates and receive fugifts too, then join the Fubar World Cruise that I also run. Please click here to check out the rules, how you join etc, and see just how much fun it is. We have over 370 members on board already with more joining everyone day.Please rate the blogs to keep us in the top blogs list, thanks so much!**hugs**Michelle xoxox
Hi sweetieI hope you are having a wonderful day :)I am always looking for new friends I love friends!!!!!!I fanned and rated you the 10 you soooo deserve if you would like to return the favorthat would be wonderful!!!!!If you would like to be my friend please send me a friend requestand I will gladly accept!!!!!Please remember that my life is sometimes hectic and there willbe times when I don't have a chance to comment you :(But remember my friends are friends for life and you will alwaysbe in my heart :)If you ever need me please feel free to"shout"I will always be here if you need a friend!!!!!!!Love alwaysMarissa*kisses and hugs*Please stay safe :)
Welcome to the fu! I Stopped by Your Profile rated you a 10. If you can take a moment to rate me back that would be awesome....Have a great day*STGiggles*